Author Guidelines
Editorial basics
The editors will inform the author about the acceptance or non-acceptance of the text for printing within four months.
The editors reserve the right to make abridgments and amendments in the submitted texts.
Materials for Wielogłos should be submitted electronically in a .docx file format to the editorial office via e-mail ( or via the Submission Panel. The text should be written in Times New Roman (12 points for the main text and 10 points for footnotes) with 1.5 line spacing in the main text. The volume of submitted articles should not exceed 1.5 publishing sheet (60,000 characters with spaces and footnotes), while the volume of submitted reviews should not exceed 1 sheet (40,000 characters with spaces and footnotes).
Please include a summary in Polish and English (together with a title in English) not longer than 1,000 characters, keywords in Polish and English, subject bibliography, e-mail address and a short biography containing your academic title, affiliation, titles of book publications with date and place of publication, and your ORCID number (if assigned).
Quotes should be written in roman type (straight font) within quotation marks. Use double quotation marks: “”. Quotes longer than two lines should be written in 11-point font without quotation marks, in block format, i.e., separated by double line spacing from the main text, indented 1.5 cm from both sides, and with single spacing within the quote. Please add the original text to the quotations translated specifically for the purpose of the submitted article.
Titles of books, articles, films, etc., should be italicised, while titles of newspapers and journals should be in roman type within quotation marks. Foreign phrases and words should be italicised, and highlighted fragments should be in spaced lettering, adding in square brackets: “emphasis” along with your initials. Omissions should be marked with square brackets: [...].
Please prepare footnotes with continuous numbering according to the following examples:
P.F. Bandia, Translation as Reparation. Writing and Translation in Postcolonial Africa, London-New York: Routledge 2008, pp. 122-131.
article published in a collective work
- Grądziel-Wójcik, Konstelacje neoawangardy w poezji kobiet na przykładzie twórczości Julii Fiedorczuk[in:] Płeć awangardy, ed. A. Kałuża, M. Baron-Milian, K. Szopa, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 2019, p. 275.
article published in a collection of texts by a single author
- Ritz, Język pożądania u Witolda Gombrowicza, transl. M. Łukasiewicz [in:] idem, Nić w labiryncie pożądania. Gender i płeć w literaturze polskiej od romantyzmu do postmodernizmu, transl.
B. Drąg, A. Kopacki, M. Łukasiewicz, Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna 2002, pp. 196-216.
article published in a journal or periodical
- Ulicka, Czas i pamięć: Ingardenowska koncepcja budowy fazowej dzieła literackiego w kontekście neurofenomenologii, “Ruch Literacki” 2018, z. 2, s. 125-142.
article published on a website
- Borys, Polska w wersji nightcore,[retrieved 21.11.2020].
other material published on a website
- Burszta, Obce stany[sound file],[retrieved 21.11.2020].
Please use abbreviations: ibidem, op.cit., eadem, eaedem, idem, eidem.
Please note:
- All necessary clarifications in bibliographic footnotes are given in square brackets, e.g.:
- Skurtys, Podrzewne dla kanonu (Konrad Góra, „Nie”)[review], [retrieved 21.11.2020].
- The title and subtitle are separated by a dot, unless a different character is used on the title page of the cited text.
- In the case of global publishing companies that provide multiple places of publication or do not provide them at all, only the name of the publisher should be included in the bibliographic address, e.g.: W. Klein, Looking at Language, De Gruyter Mouton 2019.
- In the case of American cities, especially those named after European cities, we provide a two-letter state code in the bibliographic address, the so-called alpha code (see: Function=getVD&TVD=53971), e.g.: R. Godwin-Jones, Romantic Vision. The Novels of George Sand, Birmingham, AL: Summa Publications 1995.
- In the case of foreign-language texts, any descriptions of the roles of editors, translators, etc. are given in the original language. The most common English, French and German abbreviations: ed., transl.; éd., trad.; Hg., Üb.
A list of all referenced texts should be included at the end of the article in alphabetical order, e.g.:
Bandia P.F., Translation as Reparation. Writing and Translation in Postcolonial Africa, London-New York: Routledge 2008.
- Borys, Polska w wersji nightcore,[retrieved 21.11.2020].
Burszta A., Obce stany [sound file], cykle/obce-stany/ [retrieved 21.11.2020].
Godwin-Jones R., Romantic Vision. The Novels of George Sand, Birmingham, AL: Summa Publications 1995.
Grądziel-Wójcik J., Konstelacje neoawangardy w poezji kobiet na przykładzie twórczości Julii Fiedorczuk [in:] Płeć awangardy, ed. A. Kałuża, M. Baron-Milian, K. Szopa, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego 2019.
Klein W., Looking at Language, De Gruyter Mouton 2019.
Ritz G., Język pożądania u Witolda Gombrowicza, transl. M. Łukasiewicz [in:] idem, Nić w labiryncie pożądania. Gender i płeć w literaturze polskiej od romantyzmu do postmodernizmu, transl. B. Drąg, A. Kopacki, M. Łukasiewicz, Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna 2002.
Skurtys J., Podrzewne dla kanonu (Konrad Góra, “Nie”) [review], [retrieved 21.11.2020].
Ulicka D., Czas i pamięć: Ingardenowska koncepcja budowy fazowej dzieła literackiego w kontekście neurofenomenologii, “Ruch Literacki” 2018, vol. 2.