Author Guidelines
Instructions for authors
Any submission should be the original work that has not been published previously, as a whole or in significant part, or is soon to be so published.
The target length for an article is 8,000–10,000 words, including notes and tables. For a review, the target length is 3,000 words, we discourage notes in reviews unless necessary.
At submission, we ask that authors ensure that their texts are in 12 Times New Roman font, one-and-a-half-spaced and paginated, with footnotes (not endnotes) in Arabic not Roman numerals. In the event of acceptance, we will ask authors to render articles according to the full style guide.
Please send us your submission via the Submission Panel available at:
In a separate file include a short biographical note with your name, affiliation and e-mail address. Do not include your name in the article, article metadata or article text any identifying information (e.g. “my article”) as the editors do not reveal the names of authors to reviewers. We encourage authors to divide articles into subchapters and use subtitles. The latter should be concise and clearly reflect the contents of the section.
Each article should be accompanied by a summary of approx. 100 words and ca. 4-8 keywords.
The journal follows American spelling and punctuation.
We prefer submissions in Microsoft Word, the “.doc” or “.rtf” rather than “.docx” format.
Please remember that we are a peer-reviewed journal with ‘double blind’ reviewing of each submitted article. At times this can slow down the “decision making” process, as we must hear back from our experts in the field before we can advise the author of acceptance, rejection, or acceptance upon revision, of his, her or their article. We hope to reach decisions on most submissions well within three months (and certainly no longer than six), and we will contact you if the refereeing process takes longer than this.
Articles sent for consideration for publication should not be submitted simultaneously to any other journal.
If you are not a native speaker of English it is important to have your article translated by a native speaker, or at least read through and corrected by a native speaker, before submission. All costs of translation into English are borne by the author.
- Quotations from secondary sources need not be cited in the original tongues.
- Texts of less than 50 words should be quoted in the text, indicated by double quotation marks. Quotations of more than 50 words should be inset from the left margin and set off from the text by a double hard return above and below; without quotation marks.
Illustrations, graphs, tables:
- Graphic images and reproductions of photographs may be printed with your article. Please make sure that the images you include are either in the public domain, or that you have secured the copyright holder’s permission to reproduce them. The responsibility for this rests on the shoulders of the author.
- All tables and images will be reproduced in color in the electronic version and black-and-white in the print version of the journal.
- All illustrations and tables should be submitted in separate files with the places where they should be inserted marked in the main text in square brackets [see ill. 7].
- All the captions and information about the sources of illustrations should be listed at the end of the article.
- In text: 1 January 1945. In notes: 1 Jan. 1945, except in complete sentences. No comma between month and year.
- Decades: the 1950s (not ‘the 1950’s’ or ‘the fifties’).
- Jewish dates should be always translated into Gregorian calendar.
- Sephardi (‘t’, ‘a’), rather than Ashkenazi (‘s’, ‘o’) in names like Agudat Yisrael.
- Aleph, ayin, represented by apostrophe, and only when in intervocalic position.
- Veitwritten v; het written h[.] (i.e. with dot beneath h); yod written y (consonant), i (vowel); khaf written kh; tsadi written ts; kof written k.
- Dagesh h[.]azaknot represented, except in words that have more or less acquired normative English spellings that include doubling, e.g. Hallel, kabbalah, Kaddish, Kiddush, rabbi, Sukkot, Yom Kippur.
- sheva narepresented by e.
- prefixes, prepositions, conjunctions followed by hyphens: be-toledot ha-’am ha-yehudi.
- in book titles, etc. names of individuals should follow usual transliteration rules, e.g. in Hebrew, Winston Churchill = Vinston Ts’urts’il, Berdyczewski = Berdits’evski. But in English text names are roman capped with no diacritics.
- YIVO system, except for names of people where the spellings they used should be retained or where the context requires a different spelling.
- In both Yiddish and Hebrew capital letters should be used only in case of proper names and words capitalized in English.
Footnotes and Bibliography:
Studia Judaica publishes footnotes, not endnotes. All submissions should be accompanied by a bibliography at the end, if necessary divided into primary and secondary sources. Notes should be kept to a minimum and, wherever possible, be confined to necessary references.
For the first footnote of a given text, bibliographic information is given in the format as follows.
Zygmunt Bauman, Globalization: The Human Consequences (London, 1999).
Ruth R. Wisse, The Modern Jewish Canon: A Journey through Language and Culture (New York, 2000), 71-72.
Bauman, Zygmunt. Globalization: The Human Consequences. London, 1999.
Wisse, Ruth R. The Modern Jewish Canon: A Journey through Language and Culture. New York, 2000.
Please, note the full version of the first name and full version of the title, but omission of the publisher.
Multi-volume books:
Majer Bałaban, Historia Żydów w Krakowie i na Kazimierzu 1304-1868 (Kraków, 1931), 1: 103-105.
Bałaban., Majer. Historia Żydów w Krakowie i na Kazimierzu 1304-1868. Kraków, 1931, 1.
Articles in authored volumes:
Shmuel Werses, “Be-ikvotav shel ha-hibur Mahkimat peti ha-avud,” in id., Megamot ve-tsurot be-sifrut ha-haskalah (Jerusalem, 1990), 379-397.
Werses, Shmuel. “Be-ikvotav shel ha-hibur Mahkimat peti ha-avud.” In id., Megamot ve-tsurot be-sifrut ha-haskalah. 379-397. Jerusalem, 1990.
Articles in volumes of collected essays:
Harris Bor, “Enlightenment Values, Jewish Ethics: The Haskalah's Transformation of the Traditional Musar Genre,” in Shmuel Feiner, David Sorkin (eds.), New Perspectives on the Haskalah (London-Portland, 2001), 48-63.
Bor, Harris. “Enlightenment Values, Jewish Ethics: The Haskalah's Transformation of the Traditional Musar Genre.” In Shmuel Feiner, David Sorkin (eds.). New Perspectives on the Haskalah. 48-63. London-Portland, 2001.
Articles in scholarly periodicals:
Roman Brandstaetter, “Tragedia Juliana Klaczki,” Miesięcznik Żydowski 2 (1932), 2: 383-412.
Adam Teller, “The Legal Status of the Jews on the Magnate Estates of Poland-Lithuania in the Eighteenth Century,” Gal-Ed 15-16 (1997), 41-63.
Brandstaetter, Roman. “Tragedia Juliana Klaczki.” Miesięcznik Żydowski 2 (1932), 2: 383-412.
Teller, Adam. “The Legal Status of the Jews on the Magnate Estates of Poland-Lithuania in the Eighteenth Century.” Gal-Ed 15-16 (1997), 41-63.
Always give volumes and series numbers in Arabic, not Roman numerals, e.g. 39 instead of XXXIX.
Texts from popular press:
Salezy Majmon, “Luźne kartki: Z dziejów rozkrzewienia się u nas chasydyzmu,” Izraelita 29 (1894), 40: 329.
Majmon, Salezy. “Luźne kartki: Z dziejów rozkrzewienia się u nas chasydyzmu.” Izraelita 29 (1894), 40: 329.
Alternatively, give daily date of the issue and page numbers.
Kamil Kijek, “Socjalizacja i świadomość polityczna młodzieży żydowskiej w Polsce okresu międzywojennego” (Ph.D. dissertation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 2013), 20-23.
Kijek, Kamil. “Socjalizacja i świadomość polityczna młodzieży żydowskiej w Polsce okresu międzywojennego. Ph.D. dissertation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 2013.
Internet publications:
Jerzy Więch, “Likwidacja dzielnicy żydowskiej na Wieniawie” [interview, recorded by Marta Grudzińska, 20 Oct. 2002], in Ośrodek Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN, [retrieved: 22 Dec. 2023]
Więch, Jerzy. “Likwidacja dzielnicy żydowskiej na Wieniawie” [interview, recorded by Marta Grudzińska, 20 Oct. 2002]. In Ośrodek Brama Grodzka – Teatr NN, [retrieved: 22 Dec. 2023]
Archival materials:
All archival references should contain the name of the author, title and date of document, wherever relevant, followed by the name of the archives, full name of the collection, call number, pages (pp.) or folios (fos.):
Odpowiedzie Statystycznego Opisu Miasta Tarnogroda, 1860, in Archiwum Państwowe w Lublinie [henceforth: APL], collection: Rząd Gubernialny Lubelski [henceforth: RGL], call number 1672, pp. 186-196.
Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych, collection: Centralne Władze Wyznaniowe, call no. 1441, pp. 2-14.
For all subsequent footnotes of the same text, give only author’s last name, short title, and page numbers:
Wisse, The Modern Jewish Canon, 181-182.
Ibid., 188.
See n. 81.
APL, RGL, call no. 1671, pp. 23-24.
When citing literary texts that do not have published English translations, especially when your work deals with close readings, please cite the works in the original tongues, followed by a translation in plain English prose, bracketed [ ]. All titles of works should be given in the original language first, followed by English translations, in brackets:
Głosy w ciemności [Voices in the Dark]
“Podwójne życie” [A Double Life]
For all the issues not specified above, please follow Chicago Manual of Style, Humanities Version (as opposed to the author-date system) at Purdue OWL (Online Writers Laboratory) if the full manual is not available. See: