”Wschodnioznawstwo” (Eastern Studies) Submission Panel

Call for Papers 2021

This year, we would like to propose the Authors to prepare articles for four thematic sections:

1)      30 years after the break-up of Yugoslavia - challenges and prospects for the Balkan region (editor of the section: Dr Anna Jagiełło-Szostak);

2)      Central Europe in the face of contemporary international challenges (editor of the section: Dr hab. Elżbieta Szyszlak, prof. UWr);

3)      Foreign and security policy of post-Soviet states. An attempt to evaluate the achievements after 30 years of sovereignty (editor of the section: Dr hab. Larysa Leshchenko, prof. UWr);

4)      National security systems of the Eastern Balkans (editor of the section: Dr Tomasz Szyszlak).

We look forward to the texts in English, Polish or Russian, with a volume of 30-40 thousand characters with spaces, covering the entire scientific apparatus (footnotes, attachment bibliography, abstract and keywords in the original language and English). Please agree on the article's subject in advance with the editors of the section (e-mail addresses - below) by April 15, 2021. Please send the full texts by July 15, 2021, via the editorial panel.

30 years after the break-up of Yugoslavia - challenges and prospects for the Balkan region

The section will be devoted to issues related to the post-Yugoslav area. The year 2021 is the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), which, through its turbulent course and consequences, affects the present situation and the region's future. We want to invite all interested parties to prepare a text dealing with social, political, cultural, and ethnic issues concerning the countries' internal and international situation that emerged after the former Yugoslavia. Articles relating to a) integration and disintegration processes in the aforementioned area  will be particularly welcome; b) the evolution of foreign and security policy - especially bilateral relations in the region and relations with such countries as Russia, the USA, Turkey and China, as well as with the European Union; c) threats to social, political, cultural, military and energy security; d) issues of the past and the politics of remembrance in the perception of the multidimensional heritage of Yugoslavia; e) future issues and forecasts for the region.

Thematic editor of the section: dr Anna Jagiełło-Szostak

   ORCID  0000-0003-2492-1659

Thematic secretary: Diana Mazepa, MA

   ORCID  0000-0003-2286-454X

Contact e-mail: diana.mazepa@uwr.edu.pl


Central Europe in the face of contemporary international challenges

After 1989, which turned out to be a breakthrough for Central European countries, a period of extremely dynamic political, social and economic changes took place in the region. Among them were the disintegration processes like the dissolution of the Czechoslovak state, the Warsaw Pact, and Comecon, and intense integration processes, such as the region states' accession to the EU, NATO, or the formation of the Visegrad Group. The so-called Visegrad countries, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary will be the main subject of this chapter. The last decade has brought  new challenges that these countries had to face and affected the way they are percived in the international arena. Those challanges include i.a. the immigration crises, Covid 19 pandemic, new developements in the EU and NATO, other integration processes. The section aims to present the policies / activities of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary in the face of these challenges, both in the individual dimension and as part of regional cooperation

Thematic editor of the section: Dr hab. Elżbieta Szyszlak, prof. UWr

   ORCID  0000-0002-9152-4699

Thematic secretary: Aleksandra Puzyniak, MA

   ORCID  0000-0002-6969-4632

Contact e-mail: aleksandra.puzyniak@uwr.edu.pl


Foreign and security policy of post-Soviet states. An attempt to evaluate achievements after 30 years of sovereignty

Summarizingthe three decades after the collapse of the Soviet empire, it is worth to mentioning the achievements in foreign security and policy of the new sovereign states formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Independent decisions and the choice of a developmental perspective by the new independent states after 1991, assumed the intensification of cooperation in the bilateral and multilateral dimensions and strive to build new coalitions and alliances, based on the partnership, not subordination. Diversified economic, demographic, military and territorial potentials of individual post-Soviet states determined their international activity. Dynamic internal political processes and identity dilemmas also directly influenced the shaping of the foreign and security policy of those postcolonial states. The section will attempt to present an analysis of the activity in the foreign and security policy of selected post-Soviet states, and indicate the strengthening of their international legitimacy, activity and involvement in cooperation with external actors.

Thematic editor of the section: Dr hab. Larysa Leshchenko, prof. UWr

   ORCID  0000-0001-8469-6612

Thematic secretary: Olha Tarnavska, MA

   ORCID  0000-0002-0817-5492

Contact e-mail: olha.tarnavska@uwr.edu.pl


National security systems of the Eastern Balkans

The Eastern Balkans is a region constructed in opposition to the term Western Balkans adopted within the European Union, encompassing the five states of the former Yugoslavia (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia) and Albania. Thus, it will include other Balkan Peninsula states: Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania and Turkey. In this section, we will focus on issues related to the national security systems of these countries. We are interested in analyzingthe phenomenon from the perspective of the subjective (institutional) and objective approaches. Therefore, we invite all interested parties to submit texts on the discussion of selected entities of the control subsystems (e.g. president, government) and executive subsystems (e.g. armed forces, police) or security sectors (e.g. social and cultural security).

Thematic editor of the section: Dr Tomasz Szyszlak

   ORCID  0000-0002-0281-3377

Thematic secretary: Natalia Sienko, MA

   ORCID  0000-0002-3111-0080

Contact e-mail: natalia.sienko@uwr.edu.pl