Author Guidelines
1. The Editorial Team accept the proposed articles and reviews for publication in the current issue of the journal by March 31st of each calendar year. Proposals must be submitted in the form of a printout and an electronic file or an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office:
Zakład Badań Wschodnich
Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych
Uniwersytet Wrocławski
ul. Koszarowa 3/21 51-149 Wrocław
2. Articles should be written in Polish, English or Russian language. Regardless of the language of the publication, the articles should contain abstracts and keywords in English, as well as an attachment bibliography. Bibliographic records with references to items published in non-Latin alphabets need to be transliterated. At the end, a short biographical note on the author (authors) should be placed, mentioning the title or academic degree (or professional title), the current affiliation and, as a rule, the ORCID number.
3. The average length of an article published in the journal should take up between 0.5 and 0.75 of the publishing sheet.
4. Reviews must be written in Polish.
5. The average length of a review published in the journal cannot be more than 0.3 of the publishing sheet.
6. Articles and reviews should be saved in a standard file of a commonly used text editor. The Editorial Team does not make any requirements as to the size and style of the font used. The citations in the content of the article need to be written in quotation marks.
7. Authors are required to place footnotes at the bottom of the page according to standards commonly used in Polish scientific journals. In the main text, the footnote number should generally be placed before the punctuation mark.
Bibliographic footnotes referring to publications written in an alphabet other than Latin need to be provided in the original language and transliterated. Abbreviations in the footnotes should appear only in accordance with the Latin spelling: idem, eadem, ibidem, op. cit. In the case of using sources from the Internet, the footnote should include the full website address with the date of creating the information and the date of reading. Examples of footnote patterns are provided below.
8. The Editorial Team submits the proposed article for review to external reviewers with an academic title or degree and significant achievements in the field of Eastern research. The identity of the reviewer and the author of the proposed article remain anonymous to each other throughout the publishing process. Disclosure of personal data takes place with the publication of the current issue of the journal in print.
9. The reviewer prepares the review based on the review form provided by the Editorial Office. The form is printed in every issue of the journal and is available on the editorial website. Each review ends with an unambiguous conclusion: I accept for printing; I accept for printing after corrections; I reject it. The Editorial Team or reviewer rejects the proposal of the article in the event of failure to maintain scientific accuracy, including concealment of the authorship and sources of financing of the project, the result of which is the proposed article. In such a case the Editorial Team reserves the right to inform the scientific institution represented by the author about such cases.
10. The Editorial Team keeps publishing reviews.
11. The Editorial Team does not pay any remuneration for publications. Each author will receive one copy of the journal issue free of charge.
Examples of footnotes patterns used in ‘Eastern Studies’:
N.N. Surname, Title of the monograph in italics, Wroclaw 2016, pp. 2-5.
Idem, Title of the chapter in italics, [in:] Title of the collective work in italics, N.N. Surname (ed.), Wroclaw 2016, pp. 22-31.
N. Surname, N. Surname, Article title in italics, „Journal title” 2016, no. 4, pp. 17-21.
Eadem, Title of the source publication in italics, „Magazine title”, 22 X 2016, p. 13.
Journal of Laws of 2016, no. 24, item. 138: Title of the normative act in italics, 29 XII 2016.
N.N. Surname, N.N. Surname, N.N. Surname, Title of the monograph in the electronic version in italics, Wrocław 2016, pp. 36-43, (24 I 2016).
N. Surname, Title of the article in the electronic version in italics [5 X 2010], (24 I 2016).
Title of the source publication in the electronic version without the author [6 III 2013], (24 I 2016).