International conference “Intellectuals and the First World War: Central European Perspective” (Kraków, Poland, 20–22 Oct., 2016)
intellectuals, WW1, conference, KrakowAbstract
“Intellectuals and the First World War: Central European Perspective”, a conference organized on October 20–22, 2016 in Kraków, was a perfect opportunity to discuss the phenomenon of the 1914–1918 conflict and its impact on the lives of intellectuals and the creators of culture. Many important scientific studies or cultural activities were interrupted by the war as a result of the conscription of the intellectuals and their death either on the WW1 fronts or as civilian victims. On the other hand, the war was also an opportunity for many to redirect professional careers in new directions e.g. in the service of military propaganda. The conference was organized by the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University with the financial support of the Kraków City Council – City of Kraków. The conference brought together nearly 30 speakers from the European Union and the United States of America.
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Judson Pieter, M. 2016: The Habsburg Empire. A New History. Cambridge Massachusetts USA, London, England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. ISBN: 978-0-674-04776-1.
Оrlevič, Ìrina 2016: „Ìntеlеktuali ì Perša svіtоva vijna: Central’no-Êvropejs’ka pеrspektiva” – zustrìč u Krakоvì. Ukraїna Modеrnа. Mìžnarodnij Intelektual’nij Časopis. Dostęp online (16.11.2016):
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