Papers and reviews need to be edited by a proofreader and then sent via the Editorial Panel by clicking the "Submission Panel" button on journal's webiste main menu.
The Editorial Board documents all cases of breaking ethical rules in science. Following actions taken by the Polish Ministry of Science and High Education, aimed at the elimination of ghostwriting and guest authorship, the Editorial Board asks authors to submit the following information:
- details concerning the contribution of particular authors to particular parts of the paper, i.e. main idea of the paper, hypothesis, methods, and other parts together with information about the affiliations of all the authors; the main responsibility for the accuracy of the information rests with the corresponding author;
- financial disclosure with information about the financial sources used for the preparation of the publication, contribution of particular institutions, associations and other organizations.
The papers are forwarded to two reviewers and are subjected to a double blind review process, which may take up to 3 months. The reviewers’ opinions are submitted in written form and must contain an acceptance or rejection of the paper. The editor makes the final decision and forwards this information to the corresponding author.
The text should be written according to the following rules:
- Language: Polish or English;
- Text length: up to 20 numbered pages (together with footnotes, references, tables, figures and photos);
- Text editor: MSWord (*.DOC, *.DOCX, *.RTF);
- Format: A4;
- Font: Times New Roman CE 12 points;
- Spacing: 1.5 line
- Margins: 2.5 cm
No tables or figures should be inserted into the MS Word file sent for publication (i.e. after adjustments suggested by the reviewers and the editor). Instead, their proposed location should be marked in the text, e.g.: Fig. 3, Photo 1.
- Citations of graphic materials in the text should be written starting with capital letters, e.g. Fig. 1, Tab. 1, Photo 1.
- All tables should be saved in one file (e.g.: Smith_tables).
In the text, there should be no information that could help identify the author.
The text should contain the following parts: 1. First page, 2. Second page, 3. Main body of the paper, 4. Footnotes and references’ citation, 5. References:
First page
Author (Authors),
Institute, Department, Chair
Second page
Title of paper
Abstract: 150–300 words, no indentation
Keywords: up to 6 key words
Main body of the paper
The text can be divided using a 3-level structure following this pattern:
1. level 1
1.1. level 2
1.1.1. level 3
Captions of figures, tables and photos should be numbered following their appearance in the text, e.g. Table 1., Fig. 1., Photo 1.
Footnotes and references’ citation
Citation of references in the text:
- (Nowak 1991)
- (Kowalski 1991, 1998a, 2006)
- (Taylor i in. 1971; Omernik 1977; Muscutt, Whithers 1996; Rinella, Janet 1998).
Each reference cited in the text must be placed on the reference list at the end of the paper!
Publications listed as references should be in alphabetical order. In the case of more than one publication by the same author, and with the same year of publication, publications should be marked a, b, c…
Examples of reference note patterns used in Prace Geograficzne
Du Bois W.E.B., 1989, The souls of black fold, Bantam Books, New York (orig. pub. 1903).
Foucault M., 1979, Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison (trans. A. Sheridan), Vintage Books, New York.
Harvey D., 2003, The new imperialism, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.
Peet R., Hartwick E., 1999, Theories of development, Guilford Press, New York.
Tollefson C. (ed.), 1998, The wealth of forests: Markets, regulation, and sustainable forestry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
Book chapter
Chełmicki W., Baścik M., Pociask-Karteczka J., 1995, Bilans wodny pogórskich zlewni Starej Rzeki i Dworskiego Potoku w latach 1987–1995,[in:] L. Kaszowski (ed.), Dynamika i antropogeniczne przeobrażenia środowiska przyrodniczego progu Karpat między Rabą a Uszwicą, Inst. Geogr. UJ, Kraków, 171–183.
Mitchell D., 1996a, Introduction: public space and the city, Urban Geography, 17 (3), 127–131. DOI: 10.2747/0272-3638.17.2.127
Mitchell D., 1996b, Political violence, order, and the legal construction of public space: Power the public forum doctrine, Urban Geography, 17 (3), 152–178. DOI: 10.2747/0272-3638.17.2.152
Conference materials
Burch H., Waldner P., Fritschi B., 1997, Variation of pH and concentration of nutrients and minerals during rain-events, [in:] Ecohydrological processes in small basins, Sixth Conference of the European Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB) Strasbourg (France), 24–26 September 1996, Technical Documents in Hydrology, 14, Paris.
Web pages
Richardson D., 2002, Challenges facing the AAG, AAG Newsletter, 37 (8), (25.08.2005)
GIS Data Depot, (24.02.2005).
- Do not use the Tab key for indentation. Instead, please used the following option: Format/Paragraph/Special/First Row 1.25 cm
- When using: %, o, ;, :, “...” there should be no space between the symbol and the text; the correct form is e.g. 50%.
- For value ranges please use a long hyphen and no spaces, e.g.: 1997–1999, 10–15.
- For the minus sign please use a long hyphen, e.g. km·s–1, –10.
- Please use the following degree symbol: “°”, not the letter “o” or zero in the upper index.
- SI System
- Most commonly used units: km, m, cm, dm, mm, μm, kg, g, mg, μg, km2, m2, s, 24h, dm3.
- Multi-element units: km·s–1, dm3·s–1·km2.
Graphic material
Dimensions of tables, figures and photos:
- Vertical: width exactly 12.0 cm and height up to 18 cm. In the case of smaller objects, the width cannot exceed 6.5 cm
- Horizontal: width exactly 18.0 cm and height up to 10 cm.
The dimensions listed above MUST INCLUDE the caption.
If the paper publication requires graphic material of larger dimensions, please contact the Publishing Unit ( or
Please use one font type for all figures and tables (preferred: Arial Narrow):
- Tables: 8.5 points
- Figures: 8 points but no smaller than 4–5 points.
Each figure or photo should be saved in a separate file and the file should be named using the author’s name and a consecutive number, e.g.: Kowalski_fig_02, Kowalski_photo_03. Figure and photos captions should be saved in separate files e.g.: Kowalski_fig_captions, Kowalski_photo_captions
Example: Table caption
Tab. 1. Rodzaje transportu i przykłady największych podmiotów je reprezentujących
Tab. 1. Transport types and largest transport companies
Tables must be prepared and delivered using MS Word files. Tables should be created using the option “Insert table” without changes in spacing, centering, indentation or using the Enter key. Column and row titles should be written with capital letters. Titles, explanations, and sources of information should be provided using a list of tables. Figures should be saved as JPG files with a resolution of 300 dpi.
Example: Figure caption
Ryc. 1. Sieć kolejowa w województwie lubelskim w latach 2000–2010
Fig. 1. Railway network in Lubelskie Voivodeship in 2000–2010
Objaśnienia: 1 – granica państwa, 2 – granica województwa, 3 – rzeki.
Legend: 1 – national border, 2 – voivodeship border, 3 – rivers.
Cartographic symbols should be numbered and the legend should be placed under the figure caption. Figures prepared in Excel should be transformed into a CorelDraw file. Figures prepared in Excel should not be inserted into a CorelDraw file using the option “copy-paste.” Instead, they should be inserted using the option Editm – special paste – metafile. Then the option Ungroup should be used (CTRL G), a proper size should be defined, and the rest of the procedure should be completed. Each figure should be saved in a separate file using an appropriate number, e.g. Kowalski_fig_1.cdr, Kowalski_fig_1.jpg.
Basic rules for the preparation of figures in CorelDraw:
Only the CMYK color scale or gray-scale should be used. The minimum thickness of the line used in figures is 0.1 mm; for additional lines, dashed lines are preferred. If frames are needed, they should have a thickness of 0.15 mm, with the option “no scaling.” When using a color scale or gray-scale, the following values for tone should be used:
- 2 ranges: 30%, 50%
- 3 ranges: 10%, 30%, 50%
- 4 ranges: 10%, 30%, 50%, 80%
- 5 ranges: 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%
Each map (cartogram, carto-diagram) must have a linear scale. The inclusion of graphic material to be placed on two adjacent pages needs to be discussed in advance and approved by the Publishing Unit. It should be indicated by the author(s) which figures should be printed in color. Photos should be submitted using TIF or JPG files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi
Example: Photo caption
Fot. 1. Zamek na Wawelu
Photo 1. Wawel Castle
Digital photos should be submitted in separate files. In the case of scanned photos:
- Color photos using the CMYK scale and black-and-white photos in grey-scale with a standard size 15x10 cm, resolution minimum 300 dpi;
- Slides and negatives of small-format films: resolution 1,200 dpi, in case the publication process requires size enlargement. In the case of slide/negative size 15x10 cm, a resolution of 400–600 dpi is sufficient; – scanned materials should be saved in TIF format using the option “no compression.”
It should be specified by the author(s) which material should be printed in color.