The purpose of this article is to present the origins and assumptionsof the Russian concept of coercive migration engineering and
its practical application with particular emphasis on the role of
special services in such activities. The engineering of coercive migration
has become an unprecedented form of leverage through
which the Russian Federation pursues its geopolitical interests.
The country’s use of this tool is a fact and not a conspiracy theory
devoid of empirical evidence, as some analysts associated with
European Union institutions believe. A comparison of the course of
the exodus of Cubans from Mariel to Miami in 1980 and the Finnish-
Russian migration crisis in 2015-2016 proves that at least since
the Cold War, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and then
the Russian Federation - on the basis of innovative approaches to
security problems and conflict theory in military science - have
developed effective means and methods of engineering coercive
migration, making it a tool for destabilizing states and forcing
political concessions favorable to themselves.
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