Zwicky jako pluralista



Słowa kluczowe:

historia i filozofia nauki, morfologia, pluralizm, prawda, Zwicky


Fritz Zwicky jest najbardziej znany opinii publicznej ze swojej pracy naukowej. Jego poglądy metodologiczne są mniej znane, a niektóre jego idee filozoficzne nie spotkały się z przychylnymi recenzjami. Jednak z innej perspektywy zasada elastyczności prawdy naukowej Zwicky’ego ukazuje ją jako wkład w pluralizm epistemiczny.

Biogram autora

Alan Heiblum Robles - Badacz nezależny (Mexico City Meksyk)



Baade, W.; Zwicky, F. 1934: On Super-Novae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 20(5), pp. 254–259. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.20.5.25.

Chang, Hasok. 2004: Inventing Temperature. Oxford University Press. US.

Chang, Hasok 2012: Is Water H2O? Evidence, Realism and Pluralism. US: Springer.

Chang, Hasok. 2022: Realism for Realistic People. A New Pragmatist Philosophy of Science. Cambridge University Press. UK.

Close-Koenig, Tricia 2001: Lunatic on a Mountain: Fritz Zwicky and the Early History of Dark Matter. Dissertation for MSc Physics and Astronomy. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. URL:

Feyerabend, Paul. 1968: Outline of a pluralistic theory of knowledge and action. [In:] Knowledge, Science and Relativism. Philosophical papers vol. 3. Ed. John Preston. Cambridge University Press. 1999.

Feyerabend, Paul. 1987: Farewell to reason. Verso. UK. 2002.

Feyerabend, Paul. 1999: Conquest of Abundance. Chicago, US: The University of Chicago Press.

Heit, Helmut; Oberheim, Eric 2013: Paul Feyerabend como filósofo de la naturaleza. [In:] Paul Feyerabend, Filosofía Natural: Una historia de nuestras ideas sobre la naturaleza desde la edad de piedra hasta la teoría cuántica. Debate. Argentina, pp. 9–35.

Kellert, Stephen H.; Longino, Helen E.; Waters, C. Kenneth (eds.) 2006: Scientific pluralism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Ludwig, David; Ruphy, Stéphanie 2021: Scientific Pluralism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL:

Margenau, Henry 1934a: On the Application of Many-Valued Systems of Logic to Physics. Philosophy of Science 1(1), pp. 118–121. Stable URL:

Margenau, Henry 1934b: Flexibility of Scientific Truth. Philosophy of Science 1(4), pp. 486–487. Stable URL:

Maurer, Stephen M. 2001: Idea Man. SLAC Beam Line 31(1), pp. 21–27. URL:

Poincaré, Henri 1905. Science and hypothesis. London: W. Scott, New York.

Preston, John 2016: Paul Feyerabend. [In:] The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2016 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL:

Ritchey, Tom 2011: Modeling Alternative Futures with General Morphological Analysis. World Future Review 3(1), pp. 83–94. URL:

Stöckli, Alfred; Müller, Rolland 2011: Fritz Zwicky – An Extraordinary Astrophysicist. With special contributions from N. Straumann and G. A. Tamman. Translation Ian Gordon. Cambridge: Cambridge Scientific Publishers.

Strong, John D. 1964: Introduction to Modest Morphology. Engineering and Science 27(8), pp. 18–25. URL:

Suppes, Patrick. 1978: The Plurality of Science. PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1978, Volume Two: Symposia and Invited Papers, pp. 3–16.

Wilson, Albert G. 1974: Zwicky: Humanist and Philosopher. [In:] Remembering Zwicky. Engineering and Science. California Institute of Technology, March-April 1974, S. 37, pp. 15–19. URL:

Zwicky, Fritz. 1929: On the Red Shift of Spectral Lines through Interstellar Space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 15 (10), pp. 773–779.

Zwicky, Fritz 1933a: Der Rotverschiebung von extragalaktischen Neblen. Helvetica Physica Acta 6, pp. 110–127.

Zwicky, Fritz 1933b: On a new type of Reasoning and some of its possible consequences. Physical Review 43(12), pp. 1031–1032. DOI:

Zwicky, Fritz 1934: On the Principle of the Flexibility of Scientific Truth. Philosophy of Science 1(3), pp. 353–358. Stable URL:

Zwicky, Fritz 1937: On masses of nebulae and clusters of nebulae. Astrophysical Journal 86, pp. 217–246. URL:

Zwicky, Fritz 1948: Morphological Astronomy. The 1948 Hailey Lecture. The Observatory 68 (845), pp. 121–143. URL:

Zwicky, Fritz 1957: Morphological Astronomy. Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Zwicky, Fritz 1969: Discovery, Invention, Research – Through the Morphological Approach. Toronto: The Macmillian Company.

Zwicky, Fritz 1971: On Some Principles of Thought and Observation. Catalogue of Selected Compact Galaxies and of Post-Eruptive Galaxies. Published by F. Zwicky, CH 3073 Guemligen(BE). Switzerland. URL:



Jak cytować

Heiblum Robles, A. (2024). Zwicky jako pluralista. Studia Historiae Scientiarum.

