Upcoming events / Nadchodzące wydarzenia


World Copernican Congress: Kraków, Poland, 24–26.05.2023; Olsztyn, Poland 21–24.06.2023; Toruń, Poland 12–15.09.2023.

European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting 2023: Kraków, Poland, 10–14.07.2023.

17th International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology: Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24–29.07.2023.

50th Conference of the ICOHTEC, “Interdependencies. From Local Microstories to Global Perspectives on the History of Technology”: Tallinn & Tartu, Estonia, 14–18.08.2023.

International Colloquium Carnot Lille 2024. Celebration of 200 years since Sadi Carnot's Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du Feu, 1824–2024: LILLIAD, University of Lille, France, 11–13.09.2024.