Bibliography of the works by Piotr Flin (1945–2018), an astronomer and exact sciences historian
Piotr Flin, history of astronomy, history of exact sciences, bibliographyAbstract
The bibliography presents the list of publications by Piotr Flin (1945–2018), an astronomer and exact sciences historian.
Flin, Piotr 1965a: Mizar i Alkor układem siedmiokrotnym. Urania 36/5, pp. 147–148. Available online: [05/1965]
Flin, Piotr 1965b: Gigantyczna eksplozja w M 82? Urania 36/12, pp. 356–357. Available online: [12/1965]
Flin, Piotr 1966a: Obserwacje Nowej Herkulesa 1963 przed rozbłyskiem. Urania 37/12, p. 352. Available online: [12/1966]
Flin, Piotr 1966b: Cefeidy w M 31. Urania 37/12, pp. 352–353. Available online: [12/1966]
Flin, Piotr 1966c: Σ 2398 układem wielokrotnym. Urania 37/12, p. 353. Available online: [12/1966]
Flin, Piotr; Słowik, A. 1967a: Minima of Eclipsing Variables. Acta Astronomica 17/1, pp. 59–64. Available online: [00/1967]
Flin, Piotr 1967b: Ewolucja ciasnych układów podwójnych (referat wygłoszony na Walnym Zjeździe Delegatów PTMA, Chorzów, 5 XI 1966 r.). Urania 38/4, pp. 98–102. Available online: [04/1967]
Flin, Piotr 1967c: Jądro naszej galaktyki. Urania 38/11, pp. 276–277. Available online: [11/1967]
Flin, Piotr 1967d: Nowa Delfina. Urania 38/12, pp. 337–338. Available online: [12/1967]
Czerlunczakiewicz, B.; Flin, Piotr 1968: Minima of Eclipsing Variables. Acta Astronomica 18/3, pp. 331–333. Available online: [00/1968]
Flin, Piotr 1968: Niezwykła cefeida. Urania 39/3, pp. 79–81. Available online: [03/1968]
Flin, Piotr 1969b: Minima of Eclipsing Variables. Acta Astronomica 19/2, pp. 173–174. Available online: [00/1969]
Flin, Piotr 1969a: Minima of Eclipsing Variables. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars 328, #1. Available online: [02/1969]
Flin, Piotr 1970: Klasyfikacja galaktyk (Classification of galaxies). Postępy Astronomii 18/4, pp. 355–362. Available online: [04/1970]
Flin, Piotr 1971a: Letnia Szkoła Kosmologii Obserwacyjnej i Teoretycznej Opole 1970 (Summer School on Observational and Theoretical Cosmology, Opole 1970). Postępy Astronomii 19/2, pp. 189–190. Available online: [02/1971]
Flin, Piotr 1971b: Konferencja Robocza Obserwatorów i Teoretyków Gwiazd Zmiennych Zaćmieniowych. Urania 42/5, pp. 154–155. Available online: [05/1971]
Flin, Piotr 1971c: Komunikat (po Naradzie Roboczej Obserwatorów i Teoretyków Gwiazd Zmiennych Zaćmieniowych, która odbyła się w Krakowie w dniach 11–12 grudnia 1970 roku) dotyczący rozszerzenia działalności obserwacyjnej PTMA, w powiązaniu z aktualnymi potrzebami nauki. Urania 42/6, pp. 181–182. [06/1971]
Flin, Piotr 1971d: Minima of Eclipsing Variables. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars 584, #1. Available online: [09/1971]
Flin, Piotr 1972a: Główne typy gwiazd zmiennych (The main types of variable stars). Urania 43/4, pp. 98–106. Available online: [04/1972]
Flin, Piotr 1972b: Gwiazdy zmienne zaćmieniowe (Eclipsing binary stars). Urania 43/5, pp. 140–143. Available online: [05/1972]
Flin, Piotr 1972c: Wizualne obserwacje gwiazd zmiennych. (Observer’s guide: Visual observations of variable stars). Urania 43/6, pp. 181–187. Available online: [07–08/1972]
Flin, Piotr 1972d: Wizualne obserwacje gwiazd zmiennych. (Observer’s guide: Visual observations of variable stars (2)). Urania 43/7–8, pp. 204–214. Available online: [07–08/1972]
Flin, Piotr 1972e: Minima of Eclipsing Variables. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars 740, #1. Available online: [11/1972]
Rudnicki, Konrad; Dworak, T. Zbigniew; Flin, Piotr; Baranowski, Bolesław; Sendrakowski, Andrzej 1973: A catalogue of 15650 galaxies in the Jagellonian field. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 309. Acta Cosmologica 1 (Warszawa–Kraków: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe), 164 pp. Available online: [00/1973]
Flin, Piotr 1973: Letnia Szkoła Kosmologii Obserwacyjnej i Teoretycznej Opole 1972 (Summer School on Observational and Theoretical Cosmology, Opole 1972). Postępy Astronomii 21/2, p. 161. Available online: [02/1973]
Flin, Piotr 1974a: Cechy morfologiczne gromad galaktyk. Rozprawa doktorska. Promotor: docent Konrad Rudnicki. Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński. [00/1974]
Flin, Piotr 1974b: Supernovae in clusters of galaxies. Acta Cosmologica 2, pp. 21–32. Available online: [00/1974]
Flin, Piotr 1974c: Distances of 31 clusters of galaxies (Zwicky-Kwast method). Acta Cosmologica 2, pp. 33–35. Available online: [00/1974]
Flin, Piotr; Machalski, Jerzy; Masłowski, Józef; Urbanik, Marek; Zięba, Andrzej; Zięba, Stanisław 1974: Observational foundations of inhomogeneous universe. [In:] Confrontation of cosmological theories with observational data; Proceedings of the Symposium, Krakow, Poland, September 10–12, 1973 (A75-21826 08-90; Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.), pp. 121–128. Available online: [00/1974]
Zięba, Andrzej; Flin, Piotr 1974: Some remarks on the clustering of galaxies. I. Acta Cosmologica 2, pp. 117–125. Available online: [00/1974]
Flin, Piotr 1974d: The distribution of galaxies in the Jagellonian Field. Memorie della Società Astronomia Italiana 45, pp. 633–671. Available online: [05/1974]
Flin, Piotr 1975a: The estimation of errors in “A catalogue of 15650 Galaxies in the Jagellonian Field”. Acta Cosmologica 3, pp. 33–37. Available online: [00/1975]
Flin, Piotr 1975b: D.W. Sciama, Kosmologia współczesna. “Biblioteka Problemów” tom 204, Warszawa 1975, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, wyd. I, tłumaczył Marcin Kubiak, nakład 3720+280 egz., cena 30 zł (recenzja). Urania 46/11, pp. 347–348. Available online: [11/1975]
Flin, Piotr 1975c: Minima of 44 i Bootis. The Astronomical Reports (Dodatek Naukowy do Uranii) 1, pp. 7–8. [12/1975]
Flin, Piotr 1976a: Definicje i klasyfikacje gromad galaktyk (The definitions and classifications of clusters of galaxies). Postępy Astronomii 24/2, pp. 109–113. Available online: [02/1976]
Flin, Piotr 1976b: Hoimar von Ditfurth, Dzieci Wszechświata. “Biblioteka Myśli Współczesnej”, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa 1976, wyd. I, przełożyła Danuta Tauszyńska, słowo wstępne Maciej Iłowiecki, nakład 30 000+290 egz., cena 45 zł (recenzja). Urania 47/9, pp. 282–284. Available online: [09/1976]
Flin, Piotr 1977a: The clustering of galaxies in the Jagellonian Field. Acta Cosmologica 6, pp. 19–26. Available online: [00/1977]
Flin, Piotr 1977b: V Letnia Szkoła Kosmologiczna Kraków 1976 (Fifth Cosmological Summer School, Cracow 1976). Postępy Astronomii 25, p. 51. Available online: [01/1977]
Flin, Piotr 1977c: Jan Mietelski, Ćwiczenia z astronomicznych podstaw geografii. Nakładem Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 1976, wyd. I, str. 165, nakład 500+22 egz., cena 17 zł (recenzja). Urania 48/2, pp. 59–60. Available online: [02/1977]
Flin, Piotr; Urbanik, M. 1978: Remarks on the Angular Distribution of Markarian Galaxies. [In:] M.S. Longair, J. Einasto (eds.), The Large Scale Structure of the Universe; Proceedings of the Symposium, Tallin, Estonian SSR, September 12–16, 1977. Symposium sponsored by IAU, Akademiia Nauk SSSR, and Akademiia Nauk Estonskoi SSR. (Dordrecht, D.: Reidel Publishing Co.) (IAU Symposium, No. 79), p. 275. Available online: [00/1978]
Flin, Piotr; Sztajno, M. 1978: Photoelectric Observations of V711 Tauri. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars 1394, #1. Available online: [03/1978]
Flin, Piotr; Karpowicz, M.; Murawski, W.; Rudnicki, Konrad 1979: Catalogue of supernovae. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 515. Acta Cosmologica 8 (Warszawa–Kraków: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe), pp. 5–296. Available online: [00/1979]
Flin, Piotr; Frasińska, Zofia; Sztajno, Mirosław 1979: Ephemerides of Eclipsing Binaries for the Year 1980. [In:] Konrad Rudnicki (ed.), Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 51, p. 1. [00/1979]
Flin, Piotr 1979: Międzynarodowa Letnia Szkoła Kosmologiczna, Jodłowy Dwór, 28 sierpnia – 6 września 1978 r. Postępy Astronomii 27/2, p. 139. Available online: [02/1079]
Flin, Piotr 1980: Letnia Szkoła “Kosmologia Fizyczna” Les Houches, Francja, 2–27 lipca 1979. Postępy Astronomii 28/1, p. 73. Available online: [01/1980]
Rudnicki, Konrad; Flin, Piotr (eds.) 1981: Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1982. International Supplement 53 (Warszawa–Kraków, Poland: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (The State Scientific Publishing House)), 7+137 pp. Available online: [00/1981]
Flin, Piotr 1981a: Ephemerides of eclipsing binaries for the year 1982. [In:] Konrad Rudnicki, Piotr Flin (eds.), Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1982. International Supplement 53 (Warszawa–Kraków, Poland: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (The State Scientific Publishing House)), pp. 1–101. [00/1981]
Flin, Piotr 1981b: Period changes of AB Cassiopeiae. [In:] Konrad Rudnicki, Piotr Flin (eds.), Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1982. International Supplement 53 (Warszawa–Kraków, Poland: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (The State Scientific Publishing House)), pp. 102–106. Available online: [00/1981]
Flin, Piotr 1981c: Kazimierz Kordylewski (11 X 1903 – 11 III 1981). [In:] Konrad Rudnicki, Piotr Flin (eds.), Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1982. International Supplement 53 (Warszawa–Kraków, Poland: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (The State Scientific Publishing House)), 2 pp. [00/1981]
Flin, Piotr 1982a: Cluster of galaxies. [In:] Origin and evolution of galaxies; Proceedings of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation, Course 7th, Erice, Italy, May 11–23, 1981 (A83-11287 01-90) Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 63–91. Available online: [00/1982]
Rudnicki, Konrad; Flin, Piotr (eds.) 1982: Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1983. International Supplement 54. Warszawa–Kraków (Poland): Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 5+137 pp. Available online: [00/1982]
Flin, Piotr 1982b: The estimation of the mean density in the universe (Letter to the Editor). Astrophysics and Space Science 83/1–2, pp. 437–439 & 83/2, pp. 493–495. DOI: 10.1007/BF00648572 & DOI: 10.1007/BF00683352. Available online:; [18/11/1982]
Rudnicki, Konrad; Flin, Piotr (eds.) 1983: Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1984. International Supplement 55. Warszawa–Kraków, Poland: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 5+135 pp. ISBN 83-01-05596-0. Available online: [00/1983]
Flin, Piotr 1983a: The brightness profiles of galaxy clusters. [In:] D. Gerbal and A. Mazure (eds.), Clustering in the Universe. Proceedings of a Colloquium, held at Meudon Observatory, 1982. Gif-sur-Yvette: Editions Frontieres, p. 173. Available online: [00/1983]
Flin, Piotr 1983b: Clusters of Galaxies. [In:] B.J.T. Jones, J.E. Jones (eds.), Origin and Evolution of Galaxies, Proceedings of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation, 7th Course, held 11–23 May 1981 in Erice, Italy. “NATO ASI Series” C97 (Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.), p. 329. [00/1983]
Flin, Piotr 1983c: Large scale hierarchy in the universe. Epistemologia 6, pp. 225–242.
Flin, Piotr 1983d: Visual minima of eclipsing binaries. Mitteilungen über Veränderliche Sterne 9/4, pp. 89–90. Available online: [04/1983]
Flin, Piotr 1984a: Clusters of Galaxies as Indicators of Galaxy Origin. [In:] Jean Audouze, Jean Tran Thanh Van (eds.), Formation and Evolution of Galaxies and Large Structures in the Universe. “NATO ASI Series” (Series C: “Mathematical and Physical Sciences”) 117. (Dordrecht: Springer), pp. 137–146. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-7245-2_11. Available online:; [00/1984]
Flin, Piotr 1984b: The Ellipticity of Galaxy Clusters. [In:] F. Mardirossian, G. Giuricin, M. Mezzetti (eds.), Clusters and Groups of Galaxies. “Astrophysics and Space Science Library” 111. (Dordrecht: Springer), pp. 163–168. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-6412-9_30. Available online: [00/1984]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 1984: On the Orientation of Galaxies in the Local Supercluster. [In:] F. Mardirossian, G. Giuricin, M. Mezzetti (eds.), Clusters and Groups of Galaxies. International Meeting held in Trieste, Italy, September 13–16, 1983 (Dordrecht, Holland, Boston, MA, Hingham, MA, U.S.A: D. Reidel Pub. Co. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 9027717729), p. 65. Available online: [00/1984]
Rudnicki, Konrad; Danielkiewicz, E.; Flin, Piotr (eds.) 1985: Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1986. International Supplement 57. Warszawa–Kraków, Poland: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 8+136 pp. ISBN 83-01-06810-8, ISSN 0075-7047. [00/1985]
Flin, Piotr; Juszkiewicz, Roman 1985: Krakowska Szkoła Kosmologiczna PTA (Cracow Cosmological Summer School of PAS). Postępy Astronomii 33/1–2, pp. 69–70. Available online: [01–02/1985]
Flin, Piotr; Winiarski, M.; Zola, Stuart M. 1985: Photoelectric Photometry of epsilon Aurigae. Information Bulletin on Variable Stars 2678, #1, pp. 1–8. Available online: [03/1985]
Flin, Piotr (ed.) 1986a: The large scale structures in the expanding universe. Third International Cracow Summer School of Cosmology, held in Cracow, 28 August – 6 September 1984. Acta Cosmologica 14, pp. 7–81. Available online: [00/1986]
Flin, Piotr 1986b: Foreword. [In:] Piotr Flin (ed.), The large scale structures in the expanding universe. Third International Cracow Summer School of Cosmology, held in Cracow, 28 August – 6 September 1984. Acta Cosmologica 14, pp. 7–8. Available online: [00/1986]
Rudnicki, Konrad; Flin, Piotr (eds.) 1986: Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1987 (Yearbook of the Astronomical Observatory of Cracow 1987). International Supplement 58, 7+136 pp.: ISBN 83-01-07569-4, ISSN 0075-7047. Warszawa–Kraków, Poland: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (National Science Publishing). Available online: [00/1986]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 1986: The orientation of galaxies in the Local Supercluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 222/3, pp. 525–541. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/222.3.525. Available online: [03/1986]
Flin, Piotr 1986c: Gromady galaktyk. Wszechświat. Pismo Przyrodnicze 87/10, pp. 230–233. Available online: [10/1986]
Flin, Piotr 1987: The alignment of galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 228/4, pp. 941–948. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/228.4.941. Available online: [10/1987]
Flin, Piotr 1988a: Early Studies of the Distribution of the Nebulae. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego DCCCXLI. Acta Cosmologica 15, pp. 25–41. Available online: [00/1988]
Flin, Piotr 1988b: Early Methods of Investigation of the Distribution of Galaxies. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego DCCCXLI. Acta Cosmologica 15, pp. 43–47. Available online: [00/1988]
Flin, Piotr 1988c: The Orientation of Galaxies in Superclusters. [In:] Jean Audouze, Marie-Christine Pelletan, Alex Szalay (eds.), Large Scale of Structures of the Universe. Proceedings of the 130th Symposium of the International Astronomical
Union, Dedicated to the Memory of Marc A. Aaronson (1950–1987), held in Balatonfured, Hungary, June 15–20, 1987 (Dodrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp. 239–241. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-2995-1_34. Available online:; [00/1988]
Flin, Piotr; Hickson, Paul; Pittella, Giancarlo 1988: A study of nearby clusters of galaxies. [In:] W.C. Seitter, Hilmar W. Duerbeck, M. Tacke (eds.), Large-scale structures in the universe – Observational and analytical methods; Proceedings of the Workshop, Bad Honnef, Federal Republic of Germany, Dec. 9–12, 1987. “Lecture Notes in Physics” 310 (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer), pp. 177–185. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-50135-5_68. Available online: [00/1988]
Flin, Piotr 1988d: On the orientation of double galaxies. [In:] W.C. Seitter, Hilmar W. Duerbeck, M. Tacke (eds.), Large-scale structures in the universe – Observational and analytical methods; Proceedings of the Workshop, Bad Honnef, Federal Republic of Germany, Dec. 9–12, 1987. “Lecture Notes in Physics” 310 (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer). DOI 10.1007/3-540-50135-5_72, pp. 217–224. Available online: [00/1988]
Flin, Piotr; Rudnicki, Konrad 1988: Konferencja “Newton i nowy prąd w nauce” (Conference “Newton and the new direction in science”). Postępy Astronomii 36/1, pp. 59–60. Available online: [01/1988]
Di Fazio, Alberto; Flin, Piotr 1988: The true shapes of clusters of galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 200, pp. 5–8. Available online: [07/1988]
Flin, Piotr 1988e: The search for galaxy alignment in the Perseus supercluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 235/3, pp. 857–863. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/235.3.857. Available online: [12/1998]
Heller, Michał; Flin, Piotr; Golda, Zdzisław; Maślanka, Krzysztof; Ostrowski, M.; Rudnicki, Konrad; Sierotowicz, Tadeusz 1989: Observational Cosmology from Gauss to Sandage. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego CMXX. Acta Cosmologica 16, pp. 87–106. Available online: [00/1989]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 1989a: On the Orientation of Spiral Galaxies in the Perseus Supercluster. [In:] M. Caffo, R. Fanti, G. Giacomelli, A. Renzini (eds.), Proceedings of the Third ESO/CERN Symposium Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics 1988. “Astrophysics and Space Science Library” 155 (Dordrecht: Springer), pp. 418–420. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-0965-6_35. Available online:
Flin, Piotr; Duerbeck, Hilmar W. (eds.) 1989: Morphological cosmology. Proceedings of the Eleventh Krakow Cosmological School, held in Cracow, Poland, Aug. 22–31, 1988. “Lecture Notes in Physics” 332 (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag). Available online: [00/1989]
Flin, Piotr 1989: The alignment of galaxies. [In:] Flin, Piotr; Duerbeck, Hilmar W. (eds.), Morphological cosmology. Proceedings of the Eleventh Krakow Cosmological School, held in Cracow, Poland, Aug. 22–31, 1988. “Lecture Notes in Physics” 332 (Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag), pp. 124–133. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-51223-3_116. Available online: [00/1989]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 1989b: Distribution of the Planes of Galaxies in the Local Supercluster. Soviet Astronomy Letters 15/5, pp. 374–377. Available online: [09/1989]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 1989c: Distribution of Galaxy Planes in the Local Supercluster. Pis’ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal 15/10, pp. 867–875. Available online: [10/1989]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 1990a: Orientation of Galaxies in Selected Regions of the Local Supercluster. Soviet Astronomy Letters 16/3, pp. 209–211. Available online: [05/1990]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 1990b: Orientation of Galaxies in Selected Regions of the Local Supercluster. Pis’ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal 16/6, pp. 490–494. Available online: [06/1990]
Flin, Piotr; Olowin, Ronald P. 1991: Alignment of brightest galaxies in clusters. [In:] A. Blanchard, L. Celnikier, M. Lachièze-Rey, J. Trân Than Vân (eds.), Physical Cosmology. 25th Anniversary of the Cosmic Background Radiation Discovery. Second “Rencontres de Blois”, Château de Blois, France, August 28 – Sept. 1, 1990. Gif-sur-Yvette, France: Editions Frontières, pp. 512–513. Available online:; [00/1991]
Flin, Piotr 1991a: Testowanie teorii powstawania galaktyk. Praca habilitacyjna. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Chemii. [01/01/1991]
Flin, Piotr; Duerbeck, Hilmar W.; Priebe, A. 1991: Book-Review by A. Priebe: Morphological Cosmology. Astronomische Nachrichten 312/4, p. 276. Available online: [05/1991]
Flin, Piotr 1991b: The Alignment of Double Galaxies. The Astronomical Journal 23/2, p. 1338. The Astronomical Journal 105/2, pp. 473–476. DOI: 10.1086/116445. Available online: [09/1991]
Flin, Piotr; Duerbeck, Hilmar W.; Néeman, Y. 1991: Book Review by Y. Néeman: Morphological Cosmology. Springer-Verlag, 1989. Space Science Reviews 58, p. 192. Available online: [12/1991]
Flin, Piotr 1992a: Uwagi na marginesie pewnej książki: M. Hempoliński, Filozofia Współczesna. Wprowadzenie do zagadnień i kierunków, PWN: Warszawa 1989. Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce 14, pp. 126–129. Available online: [00/1992]
Flin, Piotr 1992b: The Alignment of Galaxies in Triplets. Abstract. American Astronomical Society, 180th AAS Meeting, id.50.03. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 24, p. 812. Available online: [05/1992]
Flin, Piotr 1992c: On the Use and Misuse of Observations. I.A.P.P.P. Communications 48, pp. 34–38. Available online: [06/1992]
Trevese, Dario; Flin, Piotr; Migliori, L.; Hickson, P.; Pittella, G. 1992: Properties of nearby clusters of galaxies. I – A 195, A 465, A 1185, A 1213, A 1413, A 1775, A 2319 and A 2597. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 94/2, pp. 327–357. Available online: [08/1992]
Trevese, Dario; Cirimele, Giuseppe; Flin, Piotr 1992: The orientation of galaxies in clusters. Astronomical Journal (ISSN 0004-6256) 104/3, pp. 935–940. Research supported by Universita di Roma I. Available online: [09/1992]
Flin, Piotr 1992d: The great shelf? The Observatory 112, pp. 233–235. Available online: [10/1992]
Goecking, K.-D.; Duerbeck, Hilmar W.; Plewa, Tomasz; Kaluzny, J.; Schertl, D.; Weigelt, G.; Flin, Piotr 1993: A study of the W UMa system ER Ori, a triple star. Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series 9, p. 139. Available online: [00/1993]
Flin, Piotr 1993a: The Alignment of Galaxies in the Coma/A1367 Supercluster. [In:] Guido L. Chincarini, Angela Iovino, Tommaso Maccacaro, Dario Maccagni (eds.), Proceedings of an International Symposium; held in Milano;Italy; 21–25 September 1992. “Observational Cosmology. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series” 51. (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific), pp. 121–122. Available online: [01/1993]
Flin, Piotr 1993b: The alignment of double galaxies. Astronomical Journal 105/2, pp. 473–476. Available online:
Flin, Piotr 1993c: Orientation of galaxies in galaxy triplets. Astrophysical Journal 406/2, pp. 395–398. Available online: [04/1993]
Baier, F.W.; MacGillivray, H.T.; Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 1994: The inadmissibility of radial number density profiles of galaxy clusters. [In:] Florence Durret, Alain Mazure, J. Thanh Van Tran (eds.), Clusters of Galaxies. Moriond Astrophysics Meeting, Meribel, Savoie, France, March 12–19, 1994. “Atlantica Séguier Frontières”. ISBN 2-86332-167-6, pp. 387–388. Available online: [00/1994]
Flin, Piotr 1994a: A Search for Galaxy Alignment in the Hercules Supercluster. [In:] W.C. Seitter (ed.), Cosmological Aspects of X-Ray Clusters of Galaxies. “NATO Science Series C” 441 (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, eBook ISBN 978-94-011-1022-8), pp 363–365. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-1022-8_39. Available online: [00/1994]
Flin, Piotr 1994b: Standardowy model kosmologiczny. [In:] W. Błasiak (ed.), Jak zwiększyć zainteresowanie uczniów fizyką? “Dylematy nauczania fizyki” 2 (Kraków), pp. 48–51. [00/1994]
Goecking, K.-D.; Duerbeck, Hilmar W.; Plewa, Tomasz; Kaluzny, J; Schertl, D.; Weigelt, G.; Flin, Piotr 1994: The W Ursae Majoris system ER Ori: A multiple star. Astronomy and Astrophysics 289, pp. 827–836. Available online: [09/1994]
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Trevese, Dario; Flin, Piotr; Migliori, L.; Hickison, P.; Pittella, G. 1994: Nearby clusters of galaxies. I. (Trevese+, 1992). VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+AS/94/327. Available online: [11/1994]
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Flin, Piotr; Trevese, Dario; Cirimele, G.; Hickson, P. 1995: Properties of nearby clusters of galaxies. II. A 151, A 637, A 646, A 649, A 655, A 1132, A 1314, A 1377, A 1570, A 1589. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 110, pp. 313–327. Available online: [04/1995]
Flin, Piotr; Vavilova, Irina B. 1995: The investigation of Abell clusters A1226, A1228 and A1257. [In:] G.Giuricin, F.Mardirossian, M.Mezzetti (eds.), International Workshop “Observational cosmology: from galaxies to galaxy systems” (Sesto Pusteria, Bolzano, Italy, 4–7 July, 1995). SISSA Ref. 65/95/A, pp. 117–122. Available online: [12/1995]
Flin, Piotr 1996b: The spatial distribution of luminous structures in the Universe. XIVth Cracow Summer School of Cosmology: The structure of space and time, pp. 16–21. Available online: [12/1995]
Flin, Piotr 1996: The alignment of galaxies in superclusters. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions. The Journal of the Eurasian Astronomical Society 10/2, pp. 153–159. DOI: 10.1080/10556799608203023. Available online: [00/1996]
Flin, Piotr; Vavilova, Irina B. 1996: Automatic Star/galaxy. [In:] Marek J. Sarna, Peter B. Marks (eds.), Separation of Scanned Images. Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society, held in Poznan, September 12–15, 1995, pp. 63–65. [00/1996]
Krywult, Janusz; Macgillivary, H.T.; Flin, Piotr 1996: Structures in Clusters of Galaxies. [In:] Marek J. Sarna, Peter B. Marks (eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society, held in Poznan, September 12–15, 1995, p. 92. [00/1996]
Flin, Piotr 1997: Bardzo ogólne uwagi na marginesie nauczania przedmiotu „historia fizyki z elementami metodologii”. [In:] Władysław Błasiak (ed.), Perspektywy kształcenia nauczycieli fizyki. “Problemy Studiów Nauczycielskich” 10 (Kraków), pp. 193–195. [00/1997]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 1997: Subclustering in 50 clusters of galaxies. Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, JENAM-97. 6th European and 3rd Hellenic Astronomical Conference, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, 2–5 July, 1997, Meeting Abstract, id. 187. Available online: [00/1997]
Vavilova Irina; Flin, Piotr 1997: Mapping the Jagiellonian Field of Galaxies. [In:] Gareth Hunt, H.E. Payene (eds.), Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI. “ASP Conference Series” 125, pp. 186–189. Available online: [00/1997]
Trevese, Dario; Cirimele, Giuseppe; Cenci, A.; Appodia, B.; Flin, Piotr; Hickson, P. 1997: Properties of nearby clusters of galaxies. III. A 76, A 157, A 407, A 505, A 671, A 779, A 1700, A 2028, A 2040, A 2052 A 2063, A 2065, A 2593, A 2657, A 2670. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 125/3, pp. 459–469. DOI: 10.1051/aas:1997379. Available online: [11/1997]
Flin, Piotr; Vavilova, Irina B. 1997: Structure and properties of A1226, A1228, A1257. Astrophysical Letters and Communications 36, pp. 113–117. Available online: [12/1997]
Flin, Piotr; Trevese, Dario; Krywult, Janusz; Cirimele, Giuseppe 1997: The orientation of galaxies in poor clusters. Astrophysical Letters and Communications 36, pp. 119–123. Available online: [12/1997]
Flin, Piotr 1998: The Large-scale Distribution of Galaxies. Mysterium Cosmographicum 1596–1996 Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium Necnon Technicarum (Prague Studies in the History of Science and Technology). New Series 2, National Technical Museum in Prague, Editor Jaroslav Folta. Vydano s podporou pana Karela A. Velana, prezidenta Velan Inc., Montreal (Canada) Sazbu programem TEX pripravil Jiri Rohlicek Tisk: GTA, Kostelni 42, Praha ISSN 1211-958X, 316 pp, pp. 234–240. Available online: [00/1998]
Vavilova, Irina; Flin, Piotr 1998: Wavelet Analysis of galaxy in the Jagellonian Field. Mysterium Cosmographicum 1596–1996 Acta Historiae Rerum Naturalium Necnon Technicarum (Prague Studies in the History of Science and Technology). New Series, 2, National Technical Museum in Prague, Editor Jaroslav Folta. Vydano s podporou pana Karela A. Velana, prezidenta Velan Inc., Montreal (Canada) Sazbu programem TEX pripravil Jiri Rohlicek Tisk: GTA, Kostelni 42, Praha ISSN 1211-958X, 316 pp, p. 241. Available online: [00/1998]
Trevese, Dario; Cirimele, Giuseppe; Cenci, A.; Appodia, B.; Flin, Piotr; Hickson, P. 1998: Nearby clusters of galaxies properties. III. (Trevese+ 1997). VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+AS/125/459. Available online: [09/1998]
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Krywult, Janusz; MacGillivray, H.T.; Flin, Piotr 1999: Investigation of subclustering in 18 rich clusters of galaxies using wavelet analysis. Astronomy and Astrophysics 351/3, pp. 883–892. Available online: [11/1999]
Flin, Piotr 2000a: O znajdowaniu i definiowaniu gromad galaktyk. Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce 27, pp. 48–54. Available online: [00/2000]
Flin, Piotr 2000b: O kosmologii filozoficznie. Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce 27, pp. 150–151. Available online: [00/2000]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 2000a: The Investigation of Substructures in Nearby Clusters. [In:] A. Mazure, O. Le Fèvre, V. Le Brun (eds.), Clustering at High Redshift. “ASP Conference Series” 200 (ISBN: 1-58381-027-7), pp. 406–407. Available online: [00/2000]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 2000b: An Attempt to Determine the Subclustering Frequency in Abell Clusters. [In:] Florence Durret, Daniel Gerbal (eds.), Constructing the Universe with Clusters of Galaxies. IAP 2000 meeting, Paris, France, July 2000. Available online: [00/2000]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 2000c: The subclustering in rich and poor cD clusters of galaxies. Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, Suppl 3, pp. 151–154. Available online: [09/2000]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz; Trèvese, Dario; Cirimele, G.; Hickson, P. 2000: Properties of nearby clusters of galaxies. IV. A147, A260, A272, A278, A1661, A2056, A2073, A2093, A2096, A2124. Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 146/3, pp. 373–375. DOI: 10.1051/aas:2000363. Available online: [11/2000]
Flin, Piotr 2001: The anisotropy of galaxy orientation in the Coma/A1367 supercluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 325/1, pp. 49–54. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-8711.2001.04232.x. Available online: [07/2001]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 2001: Comparison of subclustering frequency determined from 2D and 3D data. Available online: preprint (arXiv, 2001) [09/2001]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 2002: Comparison of subclustering frequency determined from 2D and 3D data. [In:] Borgani, Stefano; Mezzetti, Marino; Valdarnini, Riccardo (eds.), Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters. “Astronomical Society of Pacific Conference Series” vol. 268 (2002; ISBN: 1-58381-108-7; e-ISBN: 978-1-58381-604-2). Available online: [00/2002]
Barbashov, Boris M.; Pervushin, Viktor N.; Zorin, A.G.; Flin, Piotr 2002: Astrophysics in relative unites as conformal unified theory without Planck absolutes. Available online: preprint JINR-R2-2002-295 [00/2002]
Flin, Piotr 2002: Orientation of Galaxies in Groups within the Local Supercluster. Gravitation & Cosmology 8, Suppl. I, pp. 72–76. [00/2002]
Flin, Piotr; Bajan, Katarzyna; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 2002: Symmetries in the Universe at Large Scales. [In:] Edward Kapuścik, Andrzej Horzela (eds.), Quantum Theory and Symmetries. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium. Krakow, Poland, July 18–21, 2001 (World Scientific), pp. 343–347. DOI: 10.1142/9789812777850_0039. ISBN: 978-981-4489-20-1 (ebook). [00/2002]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor; Zorin, Andrey 2002a: Evolution of the Universe as collective motions of metrics in the light of Supernova data and the local velocity field. JINR Report E-2-2002-131 =astro-ph/0206114. Available online: preprint (arXiv) [07/2002]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor; Zorin, Andrey 2002b: Newtonian motion as origin of anisotropy of the local velocity field of galaxies. Available online: preprint (arXiv, 2002): [07/2002]
Barbashov, Boris; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor 2002: Problem of Initial Data in Relativistic Theories and Scale-Invariant Physical Laws. Available online: prerint (arXiv) [09/2002]
Barbashov, Boris; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor; Zorin, Andrey 2003: Astrophysics as conformal theory. [In:] Boris M. Barbashov et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the XII International Conference on Selected Problems in Modern Physics dedicated to the 95th Anniversary of the Birth of D.I.Blokhintsev (1908–1979). Dubna, Russia, 8–11 June 2003 (Dubna: JINR), pp. 309–314. [00/2003]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr, Pervushin, Viktor N. 2003: On the Alignment of Cosmic Anisotropies. [In:] Proceedings of the Joint International Conference (August 25–September 5, 2003) “New geometry of nature” 3. Astronomy. Education. Philosophy (Kazan: Kazan State University), pp. 9–14. [00/2003]
Gusev, Alexander A.; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor N.; Zorin, A. 2003: The Universe Evolution as Possible Mechanism of Formation of Galaxies and Their Clusters. Available online: preprint (arXiv, 2003) [01/2003]
Godłowski; Włodzimierz; Szydłowski; Marek; Flin, Piotr; Biernacka, Monika 2003: Letter: Rotation of the Universe and the Angular Momenta of Celestial Bodies. General Relativity and Gravitation 35/5, pp. 907–913. DOI: 10.1023/A:1022959523795. Available online: postprint (arXiv); [05/2003]
Flin, Piotr 2003a: My understanding of international cooperation. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions. The Journal of the Eurasian Astronomical Society 22/4–5, pp. 805–806. DOI: 10.1080/1055679031000114755. Available online: [08–09/2003]
Flin, Piotr 2003b: The interplay of astronomy and philosophy. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions. The Journal of the Eurasian Astronomical Society 22/6, pp. 837–839. DOI: 10.1080/1055679031000148640. Available online: [12/2003]
Flin, Piotr 2003c: Subclustering and cooling flow in Abell clusters of galaxies. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions. The Journal of the Eurasian Astronomical Society 22/6, pp. 841–846. DOI: 10.1080/1055679031000148677. Available online: [12/2003]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor; Zorin, Andrey 2004: Newtonian motion as origin of anisotropy of the local velocity field of galaxies. Физика элементарных частиц и атомного ядра. Письма / Particles and Nuclei, Letters 1/2, pp. 64–71. Available online: [00/2004]
Panko, Elena A.; Flin, Piotr; Pichun, A.I. 2004: Ispolzowanije patrulnych astronegatiwow Odesskoj astronomiczeskoj obserwatorii dla issledowanija peremennosti periodow zatmiennych system. Vìsnik Аstrоnоmìčnоj ŝkolì (Astronomical School’s Report) 5, pp. 195–199. [00/2004]
Panko, Elena A.; Flin, Piotr 2004: Sozdanije kataloga skoplenij galaktyk. Vìsnik Аstrоnоmìčnоj ŝkolì (Astronomical School’s Report) 5, pp. 226–228. [00/2004]
Bajan Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Pervushin, Viktor N. 2004: In Search of Quasar Redshift Periodicity. Fizyka Elementarnych Czastic i Atomnowo Jadra – Pisma / Physics of Particles and Nuclei 35/1, pp. 178–186. Available online: [01/2004]
Flin, Piotr 2004: Obserwatorium i Planetarium Akademii Świętokrzyskiej w Kielcach. Urania – Postępy Astronomii 75/3, pp.124–125. [03/2004]
Gusev, Alexander A.; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor N.; Zorin, A. 2004: The Universe Evolution as Possible Mechanism of Formation of Galaxies and Their Clusters. Astrophysics 47/2, pp. 242–247. DOI: 10.1023/B:ASYS.0000031839.43141.d2. Available online: [04–06/2004]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz; Biernacka, Monika 2004: On the ellipticity of galaxy clusters. [In:] Antonaldo Diaferio (ed.) 2004, Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: Intense Life in the Suburbs. Proceedings of the 195th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Torino, Italia March 12–16, 2004 (Cambridge, UK; New York, USA: Cambridge University Press), pp. 248–250. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921304000547. Available online: preprint (arXiv);; [04/2004], [07/2004]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2004: Application of the Voronoi Tessellation Technique for Galaxy Cluster Search in the Münster Red Sky Survey. [In:] Antonaldo Diaferio (ed.) 2004, Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: Intense Life in the Suburbs. Proceedings of the 195th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union, Torino, Italia, March 12–16, 2014 (Cambridge, UK; New York, USA: Cambridge University Press), pp. 245–247. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921304000535. Available online: preprint (arXiv); [04/2004], [07/2004]
Flin, Piotr; Biernacka, Monika; Krywult, Janusz 2004: The Orientation of Galaxies in Nearby Galaxy Groups. [In:] Pierre-Alain Due, Jonathan Braine, Elias Brinks (eds), Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter. “International Astronomical Union Symposium Series” 217, pp. 116–117. DOI: 10.1017/S0074180900197256. Available online: [06/2004]
Flin; Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 2004: Subclustering in Cooling and Non-cooling Flow Clusters. [In:] Pierre-Alain Due, Jonathan Braine, Elias Brinks (eds.), Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter. “International Astronomical Union
Symposium Series” 217, pp. 118–120. DOI: 10.1017/S0074180900197268. Available online: [06/2004]
Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor; Zorin, Andrey 2004: Capture of cosmic objects by central gravitational field of a galaxy cluster. Available online: preprint (; [06/2004]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor N. 2004: Directions of cosmic anisotropies. [In:] S.D. Ryder, D.J. Pisano, M.A. Walker, and K.C. Freeman (eds.), Dark Matter in Galaxies. International Astronomical Union Symposium Vol. 220, pp. 185–186. DOI: 10.1017/S0074180900183184. Available online: [07/2004]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Szydłowski, Marek 2004: On the angular momenta of galaxy structures. [In:] S.D. Ryder, D.J. Pisano, M.A. Walker, K.G. Freeman (eds.), Dark Matter in Galaxies. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 220, pp. 479–480. DOI: 10.1017/S007418090018386X. Available online: [07/2004]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Pervushin, Viktor N.; Zorin, Andrey 2004: Large Scale Periodicity in Redshift Distribution (08/2004). Spacetime & Substance 4/5 (20), pp. 225–228. (Talk presented at 2-nd Gravitational Conference “Gravitation, and relativistic astrophysics”, 23–27 June, 2003, Kharkov, Ukraine). Available online (30/08/2004): prepint (arXiv) [08/2004]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr (eds.) 2005: Wykorzystanie małych teleskopów: materiały konferencji, Kielce, 2 czerwca 2005. Kielce: Akademia Świętokrzyska, Kraków: Polskie Towarzystwo Miłośników Astronomii, 118 pp. [00/2005]
Barbashov, Boris M.; Flin, Piotr; Pervushin, Viktor N.; Zorin, A. 2005: Conformal Gravitation and Evolution of Galaxies. [In:] Alexander I. Studenikin (ed.), Particle Physics in Laboratory, Space and Universe. Proceedings of the Eleventh Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics, held August 21–27, 2003, in Moscow, Russia. Sponsored by the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University and the Interregional Centre for Advanced Studies. ISBN 981-256-162-5. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2005, pp.130–134. DOI: 10.1142/9789812702074_0017. Available online: [00/2005]
Duerbeck, Hilmar W.; Flin, Piotr 2005: Ludwik Silberstein – Einstein’s antagonist (German Title: Ludwik Silberstein – Einsteins Antagonist). Acta Historica Astronomiae 27, pp. 186–209. Available online: [00/2005]
Panko, Elena A.; Flin, Piotr; Pichun, A.I. 2005: Ispolzowanije patrulnych astronegatiwow Odesskoj astronomiczeskoj obserwatorii dla issledowanija peremennosti periodow zatmiennych system. Vestnik Astr. Szkoły 5, p. 195. [00/2005]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2005: On the Mean Density of Galaxies and Identification of Structures. Odessa Astronomical Publications 18, pp. 81–83. Available online: [00/2005]
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Szydłowski, Marek; Flin, Piotr 2005: Some remarks on the angular momenta of galaxies, their clusters and superclusters. General Relativity and Gravitation 37/3, pp. 615–625. DOI: 10.1007/s10714-005-0046-7. Available online: preprint (arXiv); [02/2005], [03/2005]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2005: A search for galaxy clusters in the Münster Red Sky Survey. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions 24/5, pp. 417–420. DOI: 10.1080/10556790600593555.Available online: [10/2005]
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr 2005: Weak redshift discretisation in the Local Group of Galaxies? Available online: preprint: (arXiv) [11/2005].
Rahman, Nurur; Krywult, Janusz; Motl, Patrick M.; Flin, Piotr; Shandarin, Sergei F. 2005: Comparison of Simulation and Observation: Morphology and Evolution in Clusters of Galaxies. American Astronomical Society Meeting 207, id.139.07; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 37, p. 1394. Available online: [12/2005]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr 2006: The evolution of nearby galaxy clusters (poster, 6 pp.). [In:] Bernard’s Cosmic Stories: from primordial fluctuations to the birth of stars and galaxies. June 26–30, 2006. UIMP, Valencia, Spain. Poster Presentations. Available online:;; [00/2006]
Flin, Piotr 2006a: Some Properties of a New Unbiased Quasar Sample. [In:] V. LeBrun, A. Mazure, S. Arnouts, D. Burgarella (eds.), The Fabulous Destiny of Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present. Marseille International Cosmology Conference (5: 2005: Marseille, France). Proceedings of the Vth Marseille International Cosmology Conference, June 20–24, 2005, Marseille, France. ISBN 2914601190 (Paris: Frontier Group), p. 523. Available online: [01/2006]
Flin, Piotr 2006b: On the orientation of galaxy clusters. [In:] Proceedings of Bernard’s Cosmic Stories: from primordial fluctuations to the birth of stars and galaxies. June 26–30, 2006. UIMP, Valencia, Spain. Meeting abstracts. Available online:;; [00/2006]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2006a: On the mean density of galaxies and structure identification. Publicazii Astronomicheskoj Observatorii (Odessa) 18, pp. 81. [00/2016]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2006b: A new catalogue of galaxy clusters. [In:] V. LeBrun, A. Mazure, S. Arnouts, D. Burgarella (eds.), The Fabulous Destiny of Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present. Marseille International Cosmology Conference (5: 2005: Marseille, France). Proceedings of the Vth Marseille International Cosmology Conference, June 20–24, 2005, Marseille, France. ISBN 2914601190 (Paris: Frontier Group), p. 551. [00/2016]
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr 2006: Weak redshift discretisation in the Local Group of Galaxies? Astronomische Nachrichten 327/1, pp. 103–113. DOI: 10.1002/asna.200510477. Available online: [01/2006]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 2006: The application of the Faint Object Classification and Analysis System (FOCAS) and Source Extractor (SExtractor) packages to the Digitized Sky Survey. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions 25/1, pp. 75–94. DOI: 10.1080/10556790600849924. Available online: [02/2006]
Flin, Piotr; Krywult, Janusz 2006: Substructures in Abell clusters of galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 450/1, pp. 9–14. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361: 20041635. Available online: [04/2006]
Rahman, Nurur; Krywult, Janusz; Motl, Patrick M.; Flin, Piotr; Shandarin, Sergei F. 2006: Morphology and Evolution of Simulated and Optical Clusters: A Comparative Analysis. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 367/2, pp. 838–850. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.10014.x. Available online: [04/2006]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Pervushin, Viktor Nikolaevich 2006: On the investigations of galaxy redshift periodicity. Available online: preptint (arXiv) [06/2006]
Flin, Piotr; Duerbeck, Hilmar W. 2006: Silberstein, General Relativity and Cosmology. [In:] AIP Conference Proceedings 861/1, pp. 1087–1094. DOI: 10.1063/1.2399704. Available online: [11/2006]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2006c: A Catalogue of Galaxy Clusters and Groups Based on the Muenster Red Sky Survey. The Journal of Astronomical Data 12-1, pp. 1–9. Available online: The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) [12/2006]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2006d: A new galaxy supercluster? Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions 25/5–6, pp. 455–462. DOI: 10.1080/10556790601134789. Available online: [10/2006]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr; Pikhun, Alexander 2006: Period change of CU Pegasi. Astrophysics and Space Science 305/4, pp. 385–388. DOI: 10.1007/s10509-006-9167-z. Available online: [12/2006]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Juszczyk, T.; Panko, Elena 2007: On the Determination of Galaxy Structure Ellipticity. Odessa Astronomical Publications 20, pp. 1–4. Available online:
Flin, Piotr 2007a: Głos w dyskusji po referacie Jana Mietelskiego „Prace nad ruchami i figurą Księżyca w Obserwatorium Krakowskim”. Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU VIII, p. 129. Available online: [00/2007]
Flin, Piotr 2007b: Głos w dyskusji po referacie Macieja M. Mazura „Maurycy Pius Rudzki (1862–1916) – w stulecie sejsmografii krakowskiej”. Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU VIII, p. 234. Dostęp online: [00/2007]
Flin, Piotr 2007c: Tsesevich and Krakow’s Astronomers. Odessa Astronomical Publications 20, pp. 1–3. Available online: [00/2007]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Szydłowski, Marek 2007: Is the Universe rotating? [In:] G.S. Bisnovaty-Kogan et al. (eds.), Astrophysics and Cosmology After Gamow. Proceedings of the Gamov Memorial International Conference (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scientific Publishers), pp. 287–291. Available online: [00/2007]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2007: Distribution of galaxies in clusters A2333 and A3846. [In:] S. Bisnovaty-Kogan, S. Silich, E. Terlevish et al. (eds.), Astrophysics and Cosmology after Gamov. Proceedings of the Gamov Memorial International Conference (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scientific Publishers), pp. 293–297. Available online:; [00/2007]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr 2007: Redshift Periodicity. The Old and New Concepts of Physics 4/2, pp. 159–201. DOI: 10.2478/v10005-007-0008-9. Available online: [01/2007]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Pervushin, Viktor Nikolaevich 2007: On the investigations of galaxy redshift periodicity. Fizyka Elementarnych Czastic i Atomnowo Jadra – Pisma / Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters 4/1, pp. 5–10. DOI: 10.1134/S1547477107010025. Available online: [02/2007]
Flin, Piotr 2007d: Recent Dynamical Evolution of Galaxy Clusters? JENAM-2007, “Our non-stable Universe”, held 20–25 August 2007 in Yerevan, Armenia. Abstract book, id. 71–71. Available online: [08/2007]
Biernacka, Monika; Chudy, M.; Flin, Piotr; Michniak, M.; Panko, Elena 2008: The Influence of Atmospheric Absorption on Visibility of Galaxies. Odessa Astronomical Publications 21, pp. 158–160 (1–3). Available online: [00/2008]
Krygier, Bernard; Krempeć-Krygier, Janina; Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr 2008: Własności struktur wielkoskalowych we Wszechświecie. Kielce: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego Jana Kochanowskiego. ISBN 978-83-7133-380-4, 306 pp. [00/2008]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Harutyunian, Haik A. 2008: An attempt to test Ambartsumian’s idea of galaxy origin. I Galaxy cluster shape. Astrofizika 51/3, pp. 385–392 and Astrophysics 51/3, pp. 313–319. DOI: 10.1007/s10511-008-9018-4. Available online: [07/2008]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Juszczyk, Teresa; Panko, Elena 2009a: The shape of galaxy groups and clusters. [In:] Ludwik Celnikier, Jacques Dumarchez, Jean Trân Thanh Vân (eds.), Windows on the universe: Proceedings of the XXIst Rencontres de Blois, Château de Blois, Loire Valley, France, June 21–26, 2009. Vietnam: Thê Giói Publishers, p. 607. [00/2009]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Panko, Elena 2009: The Evolution of Low-Redshift Galaxy Structures. The Astrophysical Journal 696/2, pp. 1689–1692. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/696/2/1689. Available online: [05/2009]
Flin, Piotr; Sztander, Marcin 2009: Patrzeć w gwiazdy to takie romantyczne. Rozmowa z profesorem Piotrem Flinem. Available online: [19/01/2009]
Panko, Elena; Juszczyk, Teresa; Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr 2009: The Shape of Galaxy Structures. The Astrophysical Journal 700/2, pp. 1686–1689. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/700/2/1686. Available online: [08/2009]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Juszczyk, Teresa; Panko, Elena 2009b: The Properties of Nearby Galaxy Structures. [In:] José Alberto Rubiño-Martín, Juan Antonio Belmonte, Francisco Prada, and Antxon Alberdi (eds.), Cosmology Across Cultures. “ASP Conference Series” 409. San Francisco, USA: Astronomical Society of Pacific, pp. 29–33. Available online: [08/2009]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 2009/2010: Orientation of the galaxy groups in the Local Supercluster. Proceedings XXXIst Rencontres de Blois, Windows on the Universe 21 June 2009 – Monday, 27 July 2009, Chateau de Blois, Blois, France. Than Van 2010 The Gioi Publishers, Wietnam p. 383. Available online: preprint (arXiv, 2009) [11/2009]
Panko, Elena; Juszczyk, Teresa; Flin, Piotr 2009: Orientation of Brighter Galaxies in Nearby Galaxy Clusters. The Astronomical Journal 138/6, 1709–1713. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/138/6/1709. Available online: [12/2009]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 2010: The Orientations of the Galaxy Groups in the Local Supercluster. The Astrophysical Journal 708, pp. 920–926. DOI:10.1088/0004-637X/708/2/920. Available online: [01/2010]
Harutyunian, Haik A.; Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr 2010: An attempt to test Ambartsumian’s idea of the origin of the galaxy. II. Location of galaxies within clusters and galaxy position angles. Astrofizika 53/1, pp. 53–60 and Astrophysics 53/1, pp. 42–49. DOI: 10.1007/s10511-010-9097-x. Available online: [01/2010]
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Piwowarska, Paulina; Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2010: The orientation of Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters. The Astrophysical Journal 723/2, pp. 985–992. Available online: [10/2010]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Harutyunian, Haik A. 2010: Testing the Possibility of Galaxy Ejection. [In:] H.A. Harutyunian, A.M. Mickaelian, Y. Terzian (eds.), Evolution of Cosmic Objects through their Physical Activity. Proceedings of the Conference dedicated to Viktor Ambartsumian’s 100th anniversary, held 15–18 Sep 2008 in Yerevan and Byurakan, Armenia. Yerevan (Armenia): “Gitutyun” Publishing House of NAS RA, pp. 182–187. Available online: [11/2010]
Flin, Piotr; Biernacka, Monika; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Panko, Elena; Pajowska, Paulina 2011: Some Properties of Galaxy Structures. Baltic Astronomy 20, pp. 251–258. DOI: 10.1515/astro-2017-0289. Available online: [00/2011]
Flin, Piotr; Biernacka, Monika; Juszczyk, Teresa; Panko, Elena 2011: Powstawanie struktur wielkoskalowych. [In:] Bogdan Wszołek (ed.), Astronomia – Nauka i Wiara. Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Wydawnictwo AJD im. Stanisława Podobińskiego w Częstochowie, pp. 147–156. Available online: [00/2011]
Flin, Piotr; Panko, Elena 2011: Tadeusz Banachiewicz in Tartu (1915 to 1918). Baltic Astronomy 20, pp. 305–308. DOI: 10.1515/astro-2017-0297. Available online: [00/2011]
Flin, Piotr; Stępień, A. 2011; Ludwik Silberstein o przyczynowości w przyrodzie. Zagadnienia Filozoficzne w Nauce 49, pp. 138–148. Available online: [00/2011]
Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr 2011: Dynamic evolution of nearby galaxy clusters. Astronomische Nachrichten 332(5), pp. 537–544. DOI: 10.1002/asna.200911554. Available online: [06/2011]
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2011: The environmental effects in the origin of angular momenta of galaxies. Acta Physica Polonica Series B 42/11, pp. 2313– 2322. DOI: 10.5506/APhysPolB.42.2313. Available online:; [11/2011]
Flin, Piotr; Bajan, Katarzyna; Biernacka, Monika; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Juszczyk, Teresa; Panko, Elena; Piwowarska, Paulina 2012: Własności gromad galaktyk. [In:] Bogdan Wszołek, Agnieszka Kuźmicz, Marek Jamrozy (eds.), Materiały konferencji „Człowiek i Wszechświat” Interdyscyplinarna Sesja Naukowa dla uhonorowania Ks. Prof. Konrada Prudnickiego w 85-tą rocznicę Jego urodzin. (Kraków: Wydawnictwo im. Stanisława Podobińskiego Akademii im. Jana Długosza Częstochowa 2012), pp. 21–30. Available online: [00/2012]
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Panko, Elena; Pajowska, Paulina; Flin, Piotr 2012: The investigations of anisotropy in orientations of galaxies. Journal of Physical Study 16/3, pp. 3901-1–5. Presented at The Sixth Scientific Conference “Selected Issues of Astronomy and Astrophysics” in honor of Bohdan Babiy 4–6 October 2011 Lviv. Available online:; [00/2012]
Flin, Piotr; Panko, Elena 2012: Tadeusz Banachiewicz w Kazaniu (1910–1915) i Tartu (1915–1918). Częstochowski Kalendarz Astronomiczny, pp. 145–149. [00/2012]
Pajowska, Paulina; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2012: Some aspects of the orientation of galaxies in clusters. Journal of Physical Studies 16/4, p. 4901. Available online: preprint (arXiv); [00/2012]
Panko, Elena; Pajowska, Paulina; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Flin, Piotr 2012: Comments on environmental effects in the origin of angular momenta in galaxies. Odessa Astronomical Publications 25/1, pp. 21–28. Available online: preprint (arXiv); [00/2012]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2012: Catalog of galaxy structures based on the MRSS (Panko+, 2006). VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/other/JAD/12.1. Originally published in: 2006JAD....12....1P. Available online:; [08/2012]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 2013: Ludwik Silberstein in Italy. [In:] Raffaelo Pisano, Danilo Capecchi, Anna Lukešová (eds.), Italy in Physics, Astronomy and Engineering. Critical Problems in the History of Science. Proceedings of the 32th International Congress of the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy. (The Scientia Socialis Press), pp. 259–264. [00/2013]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2013: A catalogue of galaxy clusters and groups based on the Muenster Red Sky Survey. VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/other/JAD/12.1. Originally published in 2006JAD....12....1P. Available online: [00/2013]
Burda, Piotr; Flin, Piotr 2013: Świętokrzyskie w kosmosie. Planetoida nazwana imieniem kieleckiego profesora! 4 kwietnia 2013. Available online: [04/2013]
Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2014: The Ellipticities of Galaxies in Galaxy Clusters of Different Morphological Types. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 27/1, pp. 32–33. Available online: [00/2014]
Panko, Elena; Piwowarska, Paulina; Godłowska, Jolanta; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Flin, Piotr 2014: Orientation of galaxies in structures. Astrophysics 56/3, pp. 322–331. Available online: preprint (arXiv); [04/2014], [09/2014]
Biernacka, Monika; Bajan, Katarzyna; Stachowski, Greg; Flin, Piotr (eds.) 2015: Introduction to Cosmology. 15–25 August, 2015, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. “Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society” 2 (Warsaw: Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne; ISBN: 978-83-938279-2-3). [00/2015]
Flin, Piotr 2015: Preface. [In:] Monika Biernacka, Katarzyna Bajan, Greg Stachowski, Piotr Flin (eds.), Introduction to Cosmology. 15–25 August, 2015, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. “Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society” 2 (Warsaw: Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne; ISBN: 978-83-938279-2-3), pp. 5–8. Available online: [00/2015]
Flin, Piotr; Bajan, Katarzyna; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 2015: Ludwik Silberstein and the operator calculus. Technical Transactions Fundamental Sciences / Czasopismo Techniczne Nauki Podstawowe 2–NP, pp. 165–171. Available online: [00/2015]
Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 2015: Zapomniany polski astrofizyk – Silberstein kontra Einstein. Urania – Postępy Astronomii 3(777), pp. 13–17. [00/2015]
Flin, Piotr; Panko, Elena 2015: Stopnie naukowe w carskiej Rosji. Prace Komisji Historii Nauki PAU XIV, pp. 269–272. DOI: 10.4467/23921749PKHN_PAU.16.010.5266. Available online: [00/2015]
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Pajowska, Paulina; Flin, Piotr; Panko, Elena 2015: The new method of investigating the orientation of galaxies and their clusters. [In:] B.L. Ziegler, F. Combes, H. Dannerbauer, M. Verdugo (eds.), Galaxy in 3D across the Universe. “Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union” 10(S309) (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), p. 315. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921314010114. Available online: [02/2015]
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Popiela, Joanna; Bajan, Katarzyna; Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Panko, Elena 2015: Construction of luminosity function for galaxy clusters. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 10(S309), p. 316. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921314010126. Available online: [02/2015]
N.N.; Flin, Piotr 2015: Nauka nie z tej Ziemi! W Kielcach ruszyła Pierwsza Międzynarodowa Szkoła Kosmologiczna. Available online: [16/07/2015]
“Marc”; Flin, Piotr 2015: Młodzi astronomowie szkolą się w Kielcach. jak badać ciemną materię. Gazeta Wyborcza. Available online:,47262,18377622,mlodzi-astronomowie-szkola-sie-w-kielcach-m-in-jak-badac-ciemna.html. [16/07/2015]
Biernacka, Monika; Panko, Elena; Bajan, Katarzyna; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Flin, Piotr 2015: The Alignment of Galaxy Structures. The Astrophysical Journal 813/1, article id. 20 (6 pp.). DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/813/1/20. Available online: [11/2015]
Biernacka, Monika; Bajan, Katarzyna; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Flin, Piotr 2016: The Alignment of rich ACO galaxy structures. [In:] Agata Różańska, M. Bejger (eds.), The 37th Polish Astronomical Society Meeting, 7–10 Sept. 2015, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. “Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society”3 (Warsaw, Poland: Polish Astronomical Society; ISBN: 978-83-938279-3-0), pp. 236–239. Available online: [00/2016]
Nefedyev, Yuri Anatolyevich; Flin, Piotr; Panko, Elena; Demin, Sergey Anatolyevich; Andreev, Alexey Olegovich; Demina, Natalya Yuryevna 2016: History of unique heliometric observations of the moon’s physical libration. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (Special Issue 2), pp. 2993–2997. DOI: 10.3923/jeasci.2016.2993.2997. Available online: [00/2016]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz 2016: The morphological types of galaxies in the Local Supercluster. [In:] R. van de Weygaert, S. Shandarin, E. Saar & J. Einasto (eds.), The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web Proceedings. “International Astronomical Union Symposium” 11(S308), 2014, pp. 464–466. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921316010371. Available online: [10/2016]
Bajan, Katarzyna; Biernacka, Monika; Flin, Piotr; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Panko, Elena; Popiela, J. 2016: Luminosity function for galaxy clusters. [In:] R. van de Weygaert, S. Shandarin, E. Saar & J. Einasto (eds.), The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web Proceedings. “International Astronomical Union Symposium” 11(S308), 2014, pp. 482–483. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921316010450. Available online: [10/2016]
Biernacka, Monika; Panko, Elena; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin¸ Piotr 2016: The Binggeli effect. [In:] R. van de Weygaert, S. Shandarin, E. Saar & J. Einasto (eds.), The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web Proceedings. “International Astronomical Union Symposium” 11(S308), 2014, pp. 479–481. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921316010449. Available online: [10/2016]
Panko, Elena; Bajan, Katarzyna; Flin, Piotr; Gotsulyak, Alla 2016: The Adopted Morphological Types of 247 Rich PF Galaxy Clusters. [In:] R. van de Weygaert, S. Shandarin, E. Saar, J. Einasto (eds.), The Zeldovich Universe: Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web. “Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 11(S308), 2014, pp. 213–214. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921316009893. Available online: [10/2016]
Flin, Piotr 2017a: Polish astronomers in Odessa University. Astronomical & Astrophysical Transactions 30/1, pp. 115–118. Available online: [00/2017]
Flin, Piotr 2017b: Cosmology schools in Poland: A participant recollects. [In:] Monika Biernacka, Katarzyna Bajan, Grzegorz Stachowski, Agnieszka Pollo (eds.), Second Cosmology School – Introduction to Cosmology 11–27 July, 2016 Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce. “Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society” 4 (Warsaw, Poland: Polish Astronomical Society; ISBN: 978-83-938279-5-4), pp. 13–15. Available online: [00/2017]
Flin, Piotr; Duerbeck, Hilmar W.; Bajan, Katarzyna 2017: Ludwik Silberstein and General Relativity. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions 30/1, pp. 63–70. Available online:
Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Popiela, Joanna; Pajowska, Paulina; Stephanovich, Vladimir 2017: Uporządkowanie orientacji galaktyk w gromadach w zależności od typów morfologicznych. [In:] Bogdan Wszołek, Agnieszka Kuźmicz (eds.), Częstochowski Kalendarz Astronomiczny 2018, pp. 261–269. Available online: [00/2017]
Popiela, Joanna; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Biernacka, Monika; Bajan, Katarzyna; Panko, Elena; Pajowska, Paulina; Flin, Piotr 2017: Wyznaczanie funkcji świecenia gromad galaktyk na podstawie próbki 6188 gromad. [In:] Bogdan Wszołek, Agnieszka Kuźmicz (eds.), Częstochowski Kalendarz Astronomiczny 2018, pp. 271–281. Available online: [00/2017]
Nefedyev, Yury; Flin, Piotr; Panko, Elena; Shaimukhametov, Ramil; Andreev, Alexey 2018: Tadeusz Banachiewicz’s scientific activity at Engelhardt Astronomical Observatory of Kazan University. [In:] Wolfgang R. Dick, Christiaan Sterken (eds.), In memoriam Hilmar Duerbeck. “Acta Historica Astronomiae” 64, ISBN: 978-3-944913-56-8 (Akad. Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig), pp. 453–462. Available online: [08/2018]
Pajowska, Paulina; Godłowski, Włodzimierz; Zhu, Zong-Hong; Popiela, Joanna; Panko, Elena; Flin, Piotr 2018: Investigation of the orientation of galaxies in clusters: the importance, methods and results of research. Proceedings of the Polish Astronomical Society 7, pp. 239–244. Available online: preprint (arXiv);; [08/2018]
Superviser of doctoral heses (Promotor rozpraw doktorskich)
Krywult, Janusz 2002: Podzgrupowania w gromadach galaktyk. Praca doktorska. Promotor: dr hab. Piotr Flin. Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika; Wydział Matematyki, Fizyki i Chemii. [10/04/2002]
Bajan, Katarzyna 2005: Badanie periodyzacji przesunięć ku czerwieni. Praca doktorska. Promotor: dr hab. Piotr Flin. Instytut Fizyki Jądrowej im. H. Niewodniczańskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Available online: [17/06/2005]
Biernacka, Monika 2007: Ewolucja bliskich gromad galaktyk. Praca doktorska.Promotor: dr hab. Piotr Flin. Uniwersytet Łódzki; Wydział Fizyki i Chemii. [26/09/2007]
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