Physics at the University of Lviv since the 17th century until the second world war: Addenda to the bibliography
17th century physics, 18th century physics, 19th century physics, 20th century physics, University of Lviv, Wojciech Urbański, bibliographyAbstract
Previously, an attempt was made to compile in a series of papers a complete bibliography of works related to physics at the University of Lviv. The period since the foundation of the University in 1661 until the division of the Chair of Physics in 1872 was discussed by Rovenchak (2014). Special attention was paid to the development of theoretical physics, starting from the first professor, Oskar Fabian (Rovenchak 2009), followed by the famous physicist Marian Smoluchowski (Rovenchak 2012), and finally the Interbellum (Rovenchak 2013). The history of astronomy at the University of Lviv, albeit without a special bibliographic section, is presented by Novosyadlyj (2011) and Apunevych et al. (2011). The development of the experimental physics since 1872 still awaits a detailed study.
The present paper will provide some additions to this bibliography: firstly with the descriptions of several missing early works from the 17th and 18th century and then, with a presentation of the activity of Wojciech Urbański. It is followed by a couple of works by Oskar Fabian and Marian Smoluchowski.
Finally, minor complements to the bibliographic lists from the 1930s will be made, including popular newspaper articles. We strive to present the bibliographic description as completely as possible, in particular by avoiding abbreviations in names and titles, so that readers can extract any information of their interest.
All items were examined de visu except for those marked with an asterisk (*) after the number.
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