The Kitchen and the Dacha: Productive Spaces of Soviet Mathematics




mathematics, anti-Semitism, discrimination, Soviet Union, social networks, parallel social infrastructure, public, private, scientific community, institutions


In the late 1960s and 70s, due to the Soviet regime’s crackdown on dissident activities and rising anti-Semitic policies, many mathematicians from “undesirable” groups faced discrimination and serious administrative restrictions on work and study at top-ranking official institutions. To overcome such barriers, the mathematical community built extensive social networks around informal or semi-formal study groups and seminars, which formed a parallel social infrastructure for learning and research. As   result, mathematical activity began shifting from public educational and research institutions into private or semi-private settings — family apartments, summer dachas, and countryside walks. For many Soviet mathematicians, instead of being a refuge from work, their home apartments and dachas became their primary working spaces — places where they did their research, met with students, and exchanged ideas with colleagues. At the intersection of work and private life, a tightly knit mathematical community emerged, whose commitment to scholarship went beyond formal duty or required curriculum, a community practicing mathematics as a “way of life.” The parallel social infrastructure functioned in tense interdependency with official institutions and borrowed some characteristics of the official system it opposed.

Author Biography

Slava Gerovitch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge MA USA)



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How to Cite

Gerovitch, S. (2024). The Kitchen and the Dacha: Productive Spaces of Soviet Mathematics. Studia Historiae Scientiarum.

