Academician V. H. Serheiev – Control System Designer, Founder of the Scientific and Design School, Honored Citizen of Kharkiv (on His 110th Birthday)




control systems, rocket and space engineering, history of science, source base, biography, international cooperation, Volodymyr Serheiev, training of scientific personnel, Ukraine


March 5, 2024 marks the 110th birthday of Volodymyr Hryhorovych Serheiev, an outstanding scientist, chief designer of control systems for strategic combat missiles, launch vehicles, spacecraft and transport modules of orbital complexes, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of  Ukraine and an Honored Citizen of Kharkiv. Despite his significant scientific achievements in the field of rocket and space engineering, the silhouette of V. H. Serheiev is hardly reflected in the modern history of science.

Based on representative sources, the article highlights the main achievements of the scientist in the field of dynamics of automatic control systems and the design of rocket and space engineering control systems. The summary of the most prominent space projects is based on the memories of witnesses and direct participants.

The personal qualities of V. H. Serheiev as the head of the Special Design Office No. 692 are noted. The historical retrospective describes technical developments and inventions meant to improve the control systems of intercontinental ballistic missiles R-16, R-16У, R-36, R-36П, R-36 orbital, R-36М, R-36М UTTH, UR-100N, UR-100HU, and R-36М2. At the initiative of V. H. Serheiev, complex stands were developed, which worked non-stop in all modes of operation of the necessary equipment and solved complex scientific and technical problems of creating an on-board digital computer. V. H. Serheiev was the chief control system designer of space launch vehicles Kosmos, Kosmos-2, Cyclone-2, and Cyclone-3 and Tselina series spacecraft. The article features innovative solutions implemented under Serheiev’s leadership during the creation of the Energia launch vehicle, supply vehicles of the Almaz space rocket system and target orbital modules of the Saliut and Myr space stations, and international launch vehicles Dnipro, Rokit and Strila.

The article considers the issues of V. H. Serheiev’s direct participation in the organization of the training system for scientific personnel in the relevant specialties at Ukraine’s higher education institutions, as well as the development of international cooperation. It is substantiated that the scientist created one of the leading science and construction schools for the development of control systems for rocket and space technology, which is internationally recognized.

The authors emphasize that V. H. Serheiev devoted a lot of attention to people. At his initiative and with his support, a district named after the founder of aerodynamics, M. Y. Zhukovskyi, was created in Kharkiv for the employees of “Hartron” enterprise. The district was not far from the enterprise and had a well-developed infrastructure, such as kindergartens, schools, shops, a swimming pool and a complex of residential buildings.

Author Biographies

Elena Tverytnykova, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv Ukraine)


Olena Voitiuk, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (Zhytomyr Ukraine)



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How to Cite

Tverytnykova, E., & Voitiuk, O. (2024). Academician V. H. Serheiev – Control System Designer, Founder of the Scientific and Design School, Honored Citizen of Kharkiv (on His 110th Birthday). Studia Historiae Scientiarum.

