An Introduction to the Topic ‘Copernicus and Astrology’. A Commentary on the Theses of Robert S. Westman




Copernicus, science of stars, astrology, astronomy, terms and their different meanings, R.S. Westman


This article is an introduction to the subject of Copernicus and astrology. It presents an overview of a set of facts and positions of researchers exploring the relevant ideas of Copernicus, as well as the author’s own perspective. A key role is played by a critique of R.S. Westman’s theses.

Author Biography

Michał Kokowski, Instytut Historii Nauki PAN (Warsaw-Kraków Poland)



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How to Cite

Kokowski, M. (2024). An Introduction to the Topic ‘Copernicus and Astrology’. A Commentary on the Theses of Robert S. Westman. Studia Historiae Scientiarum, 23, 155–228.




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