Videoconference “The Polish journals on the history and philosophy of science and the science of science: How to get to Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ and ERIH+? Why is it worth doing?” (Kraków – Warsaw – Toruń, Poland, April 16, 2020, 10.00–15.00)


  • Michał Kokowski Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw– Cracow, Poland); Studia Historiae Scientiarum (editor-in-chief)



scientific journals, history and philosophy of science, science studies, Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ, ERIH, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAAS), Institute of the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IHS PAS), Commission of the History of Science (PAAS), Laboratory for the Science of Science (IHS PAS)


The article sketches the subject matter and the course of the first videoconference in the history of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Institute of the History of Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences: “The Polish journals on the history and philosophy of science and the science of science: How to get to Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ and ERIH+. Why is it worth doing?” (Krakow – Warsaw – Toruń, 16 April 2020, 10.00–15.00).

The conference was organized on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Commission on the History of Science at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, and to mark the establishment of the Laboratory for the Science of Science at the Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, currently the only one (!) unit for the science of science in Poland.

Author Biography

Michał Kokowski, Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw– Cracow, Poland); Studia Historiae Scientiarum (editor-in-chief)


Gaca-Zając, Katarzyna 2020: Twoje czasopismo w bazie Scopus: krok po kroku. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3828769. Dostęp online:

Kancewicz-Hoffman, Nina 2020: European Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences – ERIH PLUS. Aims, criteria for inclusion and approval procedures. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3829019. Dostęp online:

Kapczyński, Marcin 2020: Web of Science Core Collection. Proces oceny czasopism i kryteria doboru. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3828943. Dostęp online:

Kokowski, Michał (red.) 2020a: Wideokonferencja „Polskie czasopisma z historii i filozofii nauki oraz naukoznawstwa ...” (2020-04-16). / The Videoconference “The Polish journals on the history and philosophy of science, and the science of science ...” (2020-04-16). Zenodo. Published 26 May 2020. Dostęp online:

Kokowski, Michał 2020b: Bazy indeksacyjne i biblioteki czasopism naukowych: ich zalety, ograniczenia i wady widziane z perspektywy zintegrowanego naukoznawstwa. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3784732. Dostęp online:

Pamuła-Cieślak, Natalia 2020: Directory of Open Access Journals – otwartość i jakość. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3829002. Dostęp online:

Pyrka, Ewelina Katarzyna; Stypułkowski, Leszek 2020: Index Copernicus International. Indeksacja czasopism w bazie ICI Journals Master List. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3828958. Dostęp online:



How to Cite

Kokowski, M. (2020). Videoconference “The Polish journals on the history and philosophy of science and the science of science: How to get to Scopus, WoS, ICI, DOAJ and ERIH+? Why is it worth doing?” (Kraków – Warsaw – Toruń, Poland, April 16, 2020, 10.00–15.00). Studia Historiae Scientiarum, 19, 573–579.




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