”Polonia Maior Orientalis” Submission Panel

Polonia Maior Orientalis

Polonia Maior Orientalis

Editor-in-Chief: prof. UAM dr hab. Piotr Gołdyn

The magazine has been published since 2014 and is a continuous publication of the Kalisz Society of Friends of Science. It publishes articles on the history of Eastern Wielkopolska in the meaning of the historical sites of the Kalisz voivodeship. There is space prefigured for publications related to the history of education, military and industry as well as economic and social history. The magazine is divided into four sections. In the first one the articles presented refer to various stories of Eastern Wielkopolska. The second section will include materials that will cover the compilation of the sources of the history of the region. In the third section the biographies of people connected with Eastern Wielkopolska either by birth or by some contributing activities in the region will appear. In the last, fourth chapter, some publications related to the regional issues will be discussed and reviewed.
MEiN points: 20
AffiliationKalisz Society of Friends of Science

WWW website | ISSN 2392-0106 | e-ISSN 2720-4006 | Frequency annual | MEiN points: 20